An Act of Resistance

Original Author
Original Body

by Tiny

Eviction Victim

Eviction Resistance

23 times and counting

"cause without equity we all at-risk"

Born from three generations of poor women
and countless generations of

colonized others

Raised children from nothing in a society
littered with jagged edges

Fought and sufferred pilgrim bred white men
in lock step with class and

race privledge

Seized education at all costs

Achieving degrees and promises to life of
supposed ease

Brought down by colonizers

Dressed as landlords and supervisors

Art is her arsenal, dreams, her breath

In a love-hate relationship with hope

A one night stand with Plans

Victim of torture

Flesh of my flesh

Mind of my mind

Conceptualist, Singer, caregiver,

Therapist and O.G. poverty scholar


Living for the ultimate minute

still to come...
