Future Fast Forward, Just My Opinion On What May Be Ahead.

Original Author
Original Body

We Don't know what the
future holds.

But arriving there Deaf,
Blind, and Dumb!


by Joe B.

I don’t know what to say.[Like that’s new Joe]

I’ve got an economic windfall, breathing room besides my regular monthly check which is still worrisome, because of D.H.S. Department of Human Services non breach but stinging.

"Just making sure we’re on the same page" hold up of money already paid to work program participants.

Enough about that it only means one has to find alternative means of funding POOR.

As for myself besides having business cards made up for a one-person business for house sitting, writing science or speculative fiction, radio voice over work, and on-line investing.

I pretty much know my options are not as limited as I once thought.

I might try buying and selling real estate in San Francisco mainly because I still want to live here even though its treated poor folks badly it would be home base for me after traveling the globe and maybe off-world?

The last thing but probably most pleasurable would be first writing screenplay, producing, and directing Pornographic film.

The distribution and on-line process someone else will handle.

Folks these are all things I’d like to do to keep myself sane and healthy for the next few decades that is if 2012 is only another year and not special because the Myan Calendar stopped there thousands of years in the past.

I look forward to 2010, ’20, ’30 and beyond, hopefully my other half bake plans will be evenly cooked by the time those years loom closer.

Here is my business, there will be a number to call as soon as I get a phone or place ads in newspapers in S.F. and across the Bay Area.

I do worry about taxes but if my business becomes viable then I won’t mind paying them isn’t that part of being American, excuse me American of African descent.

Now below the business I’m struggling to get into below and if other House sitters can give me friendly suggestions please do – I need all the help I can get.

HouseCare-Pro Price range:$25 per day or $100 a week for 1 bdrm. apt, small House.

4 to 3 bedrooms, $50 to $100 a week,

$5,000 a week for 20 to 40 rm. Homes.

$25,000 by the week or $100,000 for

50 to 100 rm Mansions

Prices are negotiable.

Non drinker, smoker,

drugs (unless its aspirin & vitamins)

Not a party animal, Boredom, works for me.

For Joe only my snail mail:PO Box 1230 #645

Market St. San Francisco, CA 94102

Email: askjoe@poormagazine.org

This column was written to inform people – some who laughingly are suppose to be running this yet to be land of milk ‘n’ honey that ‘PO folks have their own agenda’s just as the power full have theirs.

Ours may not be on as grand a scale, there are more of us learning to withhold our money, votes, be disconnected from power grids, sharing or barter for equal goods, wares, and low-mid-or high tech items.

Poor folks do think out-of-boxes – we have to, our continuing survival and evolution depends on it.

If I, a city boy and man born and bred have to move to the country to survive I’ll learn what mountain folk did to live and survive if it comes to that.

I’m betting it won’t, but just in case that’s what "roughing it" in the outdoors without mobile homes, cell-digital phones, palm pilots, but a bowie knife knapsack, and sleeping bags are all about and originally for.

I don’t miss cable or satellite TV or radio all that much.

See ‘ya, survival lesson’s like curing meat, making candles, weapons, churning butter and if I can get a Crane’s Corp’s wind up radio in case batteries no longer made, - most importantly find a few good men and women if worst comes to worst.

I’d like to die happy with grandkids and old friends surrounding me… Bye.
