Are Flinty Eyed Dogooder's Going Overboard... Again?

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The Ultimate 'Tech God

Ashcroft wants to tame The Evil Net.

Or is it his own guilt trip
peeking at porn?

Where's the Hunchbacked Saint?

by Joe B.

I finally read an old S. F. Guardian story called “Feminists For Porn” taking the title with a grain of grit I read it.

First about the early 1980’s and ‘90’s Antiporn feminists Ms. A. Dworkin and C. MacKinnon going ape trying stamp out high tech smut joining with the religious right with the idea it violated women’s civil rights.

Its still floating around a piece of federal legislation called the Compensation Act which in effect deny porn First Amendment protections as free speech.

On the other side its men wanting curtail and control porn while women are the upholders of sexual freedom for all.

I’ll skip to Att. Gen. J.Ashcroft, O. Hatch, M. Foley, on eliminating “obscene materials” on the Internet.

They use the excuse TO Protect Children.

A find and good sentiment such as Legislation entitled Child Pornography Act it was recently ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

The Child On-line Protection Act (COPA) is a way of end-running the courts ruling making adult speech to be censored under the guise of protecting children.

All I’ll say if Ashcroft has hussy fits for a half blind, one bare breasted lady justice statue because of position him and her in photo’s do ‘ya think he’ll just keep porn safe from the kiddies and not go overboard so adults cannot view what they want?

I’m concerned with “G” women and men in our beds, under our covers trying to make the net all Disnyesque or shutdown all tainted sights to protect us from harm.

Community standards are fractured because adults with children can lockout adult sites to children, and adults with grown or now children have access to adults sites they want to view.

Tying laws to what one so call God fearing church goer and a few holy roller types is not my or many other people would call helping but an Paternal Oligarchy with these God guys and gals oh-no.

We don't need or want this kind of "protection" kids-yes/adults-no.

Folks, you gotta watch these “saintly slickers” what they are trying to do, mainly protecting children from child molesters, porn should be done but-will watching adult sexually explicit animated cartoons or looking, discussing sex and important issues involving sex become censored too?

That’s where this is all heading if the (COPA) laws are passed.

You know how book burning starts first one seemingly objectionable book is banned from school, libraries, then people go to jail.

Remember 2 Live Crew, the store owner going to jail for selling the CD, rap lyrics, and 1991’s “Cop Killer” by Ice T.

Law Enforcement and a future Vice President then Senator.

Mr. Gore’s wife first wants tapes, cassettes, CD’s, albums, labeled for explicit graphic language - then wants it all banned so no one can buy it when market forces tell 'em people want it and not their controlling views.

Tell this Att. Gen. guy what century we’re in and that most of us adults in our own homes to lay of trying to control the Net and not use it as spy tools on innocent American’s. ...Bye.
