The Learning (suffering) Going through touchy
parts continue.
feely stuff, um did I yuck yet?
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by Joe B. More things have happened in the past few days but that would be jumping timelines. Some readers may not like that and though some might say its best to tell the tale from beginning to end leaving out some boring bits. Reader’s are left with myself feeling hot-cold-luke warm and numb. I’m gathering mental strength trying not to think of POOR’s possible demise and my personal loss of employment. Last time the mini rant was on day off usually Wednesday [Saturday and Sunday too are taken away my fickle, finicky web-readers. I’ve learned to save up quarters since I don’t have a phone the only reason I’ll get a phone line is for a PC and Internet connection. If there must be a land based (home phone) very few people will have the number. I believe in compartmentalizing work, play, but not friends and family. Solitary endeavors should at times be apart not jumbled or mixed. For example I do not date CO-workers [actually I cannot because most of ‘em are really really young!]. Women have always kept me guessing now its my turn, I know part of why they do it; pure power over the male gaze keeping us off balance. The only way to negate this game is not to play, find your own center and lonely or not love who you are without judging either sex. Having one girlfriend is my speed without adding trouble juggling extra girlfriends. A portable digital phone on vibrate is what’s needed though most of the time it will be turned off [I like thwarting technology when possible]. I was thinking of P.M.S. (Premenstrual Syndrome) But to guys old and young its still an arcane mystery (Your not a woman, you’ll never understand - even if we explained it you’ll never get it, most doctor’s and women themselves don’t understand it either). In days of old like the 1900’s on to the 50’s 60’s and 70’s most men would go fishing, hunting, or mountain climbing anything while wives, girlfriends, sister’s, or aunts go through “their moods, the troubles.” Problem was women still wanted their husbands, boyfriends, brother’s, or uncle’s to be around if not near. These days men and women may know more about premenstrual syndrome but there are times when the “STAY AWAY FROM ME! until its over” makes sense unless some women’s experience a heightened sex drive most men dream they can "handle it" in truth their are rare men that can but for most of us it would be too much of a good thing. But men able to stand it will make the best of this gift demanded of them. I Thought of the famous line in 1964's "Zorba The Greek" the late actor Anthony Quinn talks to his young educated nephew Alan Bates from America saying "When a woman asks you to her bed you must go." I don't think it was meant in a moral context but in shared humanity of release for both women and men share. To deny one is like an automatic curse on the man who does this to any woman. If Goddesses are still looking down on our world we men who do that are under a constant curse. According to the law she can not serve the legal restraining order document someone else has to. Someone told the guy which meant he could just get it over with and move on or delay the process - be an anus about it, guess what the guy does? One whole day wasted with a friend going through the kinds of emotional hell that tares at the very fabric of sanity, spirit, and core of humanness. I'm just another guy its bad for her going through this anguish because whatever I said pales in what she’s already survived not only in sudden rages, turning physical, brutal beatings, and mental torment of feeling she had no choice and up till recently has lost because the ex could always use to his advantage. In my clumsy way I made it worse when knocking on the door and he says I’m tired could you wait awhile?” [he had just gotten a job and was tired after his first day at work]. I left for a few hours. The young woman in her apartment is besides herself fighting hysteria wanting her ordeal to end once and for all. Saying “Deal with this now, get on with your life, if the police come they like nothing better to jack-up young black men - just let it go.” After awhile some of his friends try to no avail. I try again this time banged hard on the wooden door telling him. “Sooner or later he has to deal with this and why not do it now and have it over and done with instead of the police coming over because you know what they might do?” [At the same time the thought came to me: How many officers have died, when one or the other spouses turns the weapon a knife, gun, baseballbat, hammer or whatever onto the police to protect their spouse whom they were threatening before the police arrived]? I really made him agitated and angry. He threatened to call the police. In the young woman’s apartment I said “I hope he does call ‘em, then I can hand him the restraint order with their assistance.” She didn’t think he would “He’s bluffing.” Work is tense and after work I at my CO-worker’s building sitting in chair waiting for him to come in. “Do you remember what to say to him?” She said calmly as she fidgets with her hair, thumb in mouth, and trying to calm herself. “No, I don’t remember - wait, this is a legal docu...” She had to laugh in spite of the situation. “You say, this is a restraining order and throw it at his feet it must touch his body.” I really dread a confrontation with an ex-boyfriend and the young woman is mainly a CO-worker we joke around but nothing serious. I say his name before saying “This is a Restraining Order.” We wait and wait and soon he did come, saw me and flips out saying “I don’t want him near me, I’ve called the police; he said the police will jack-me up. True I did say the police will jack him up (beat down) but the rest is pure paranoia - only hearing what he wants to hear. He didn’t here - deal with this now or later, or get it over with and move on. He only heard getting beaten down by police and not that he is causing the problem. The police are called both by the angry young man and battered woman and they are the same ones called before in earlier times. I didn’t give the restraining order another young woman helped. I flubbed it by not taking the chance when he first walked but everything happened so fast I didn’t react quick enough. It did get resolved, the young man cannot be within so many feet or he’ll be in jail the same holds for her too the police told her. I don’t ever want to be a third party to any domestic violence ever again its too nerve wracking. The young woman is going overseas for a while which sounds like going to the Foreign Legion to forget. Hope she can finds new friends, she’s had real Trauma Drama in her young life. I have to get my own business started but that will take time and I have my own problems to solve too. I got to ask: 1)How does a guy get beat up by a woman? 2)Women, have you beaten up a guy, and how does it feel? I’ll probably get no answers from either sex that’s ok but at least I addressed the problem, now its up to society to find answers. Bye |