Dark Ways, Last Days? Are We Prepared To Literally Rise Up Airward?

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Is the Slaughter on Either
sides of Middle East

the End and Beginning of
Humankind as we've known it?

by Joe B.

Revelation & Armageddon, Ready To Rise Up? I AM.

For a couple days I’ve been listening to radio, TV, and overhearing conversations on busses about the Middle Easter Conflict between Palestinian Refugee’s and the Israeli Government.

Bloodshed and the biblical portents or signs this means to all religions globally.

Me, raised as Roman Catholic cannot help see this conflict like a whirlpool sucking in all nations in the Middle East.

American made weapons used in this slaughter. [Tanks, uniformed troops even if not an elite trained one, as a occupying force with superior arms going up against children throwing rocks or people with small arms, massacre, overkill, slaughter, and genocide come to mind.]

The Anti Christ is suppose to be roaming the earth gathering people and power I know he’s not Clinton, G.W. Bush Jr., Cheney, Al Gore.

On second thought Mr. Gore is brilliant but mega quality charisma is not his strong suit though he may have seen this if not the world changing September, 9-11 tragedy.

I’m not an agnostic, atheist, [thanks for the assist Ms. Estrada].

More of a lapsed Catholic who still believes in the tenet biblically and of course just in case the
"Rapture" [The call of living, ill and dead rising skyward into heaven’s kingdom before tribulations fall on those still on earth who’ll have horrors undreamed but prophesied many holy works besides the holy bible]

When it looks like or feels "Last Days" time I want and need to be sure that even if I’m not one the lucky ones rising that if I die or survive the coming bloody horrors on earth there's still a chance for me to be enfolded in the lord’s hands.

Reading the bible is not my favorite activity - science fiction, fiction, adventure, some autobiography and other interests are uppermost but all that pales in comparison to EndWorld, Left Behind scenario’s.

I speak and believe life extension e-immortality by scientific means however if we human’s are on The Eternal’s time clock [One of God’s days = a thousand years to us].

I don’t want to be the ultimate unluckiest person or persons ending up in Hades, Satan’s realm eternally tortured.

Arafat and others trapped in a complex somewhere in the soldier occupied encampments.

To me its a systematic killing ground.

Think of the West Bank Occupied over 30 years with soldiers granted car bombs, small arms, and booby trapped areas have maimed, killed, and wounded civilians and soldiers alike but protection turns into terror tactics.

Tanks, soldiers, weapons, in neighborhoods happened all over the inner cities in America from New York, Watts in Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, nearly any and everywhere the population is non-white, speaking another language police may not live in the area but can quickly mobilize to occupy area’s in question for weeks or months at a time.

In Palestinian Encampments soldiers are an occupying force with the power of life and death, torture, or freedom, and if there is a history of hate between occupation troops and occupants.

In America the Police’s "To Serve And Protect" is the motto unfortunately in
our inner cities of America its no longer just people of color, ethnic group, age ranges that are seen as a problem but anyone not warring the uniform are seen as "prey" to hunt, chase, torture, kill, or let go to chase again.

Even police themselves out of uniform are deemed as "alien" that’s one of many reason’s why police kill brother officers (Friendly Fire) out of uniform and working undercover.

In America’s suburbs of modest homes, picket fences, children, dogs, cars, and next door neighbors police are seen as protectors, citizen soldiers doing danger and perilous jobs defending the right of the public. (which is at times) hazardous and lethal.

Just as Firemen/women, in many dangerous kinds of occupations can end in death.

Israeli’s constant occupation, arbitrary stop-arrest-torture first legitimately for self protect then as an occupying territory where people in their own homes are demonized as the enemy, non entities, and walking targets.

This sounds awfully familiar to Black, Brown, Yellow, Red, Poor Whites, and Racially Mixed folks, working poor, and houseless persons struggling with the same issue: Being seen and arbitrarily targeted as ciphers (zero’s) on the landscape, our lives in constant peril.

I could be wrong folks but what is happening way over there is so damn de ja’vu it’s scary (International language key stroke program needed)

Occupying soldiers in uniforms and plain clothed citizens make it easier to pick targets, except when soldier and citizen’s switch clothes then enemy, friend, or non combatants become murky.

The West Bank, where homes are destroyed, families and individuals are told to exit their homes and knowing soldier’s do lie make it difficult for an occupied people to leave homes on threat of death.

Is this the beginning of The Second Coming?" I don’t know but Synagogues, Mosques, Churches, or other hallowed places in Bethlehem, the holiest of cites under bombardment and civilians killed must sadden and anger The Eternal seeing the carnage rise.

This could give one a Messianic complex or paranoid delusional fantasies but again as a Black Roman Catholic (Woolly hair, Olive skin) hmmm.

I do hope to be lifted up and not be chosen to suffer the greatest of tests, if and when these Biblical prophecies come true.

I sincerely pray including my family, friends, strangers, and myself just so if it all does come to pass; my mortality burned away replaced by spiritualized, eternal, infinite, life on a renewed transformed earth can be my due.

I just don’t want be a lead soul or assistant soul on an endless multi-task job though if God-Goddess, Spirit needs me in that capacity, for an eternity; who am I to say no?

If I did refuse I’d become assistant demon to the head of Hades or worse

Supreme Satan the 2nd relieving Satan No. 1 from his job as Head of Evil Incorporated.

I don’t want that job, The "I’d Rather Rule In Hell, Than Serve In Heaven
[John Milton, Paradise Lost. (1608 - 1674)] I paraphrase in case it is not an exact quote.

So, life and death is settled sort of for me, I hope to live a really long life even as this mortal one is shed.

Tell me if you believe the End Times is coming and if they are what would you do to prepare? ... Bye. ?
