J.Q. Immortal, Begin Discussing The Looming Question... Now.

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There he goes again.

Why can't he shut the F up?

Death, been done, lets
try something new.

Make Life Exstension
and Immortality a true goal;
it takes guts to live forever!

by Joe B.

To all Editor’s, Publisher’s, Literary Agents, and hard working industry people.

I, Joseph Bolden as a POOR Magazine’s columnist appreciate comments on my work on PM’s-website.
If time permits to read and respond by email or snail me.
Please Do At.

askjoe@poormagazine.org or snail

P.O. Box #645 1230 Market St.

San Francisco, CA. 94102-4801
I’ve no phone but working on it.

Whatever help you can to a struggling scribbler is priceless.

I’m not thinking of anything in particular to write about this Thursday, March, 15, 2002 except if and when life exstension and immortality humans coexisted side by side how would our perceptions change?

The time between birth, death, and living inbetween would become awkward, odd, and continue as utterly strange.

The right to Life, Death With Dignity, Neptune Society, and Immortalists, Eternals, Cryoic-Iced people both full body and neuro-cold (Frozen Heads Only) will have lively discussions [minus frozen dead body or/ head folks.

The ultimate political stake: long people will want to live.

Question:Do we really want politicians and corporate entities deciding how long we or our children's children lives will be?

If like me the answer is no then there now is the time to begin a process of tackling these questions face on in a public forum, and not only by people in in business, politics.

I believe most of the scientist and researchers are with us because they to have families and want to personally see themselves, friends, friends, and loved ones benefit from the booming bio-sciences.

Lets start an on going debate on the most important
decision in all our lives.

The Extension of and eventual Immortality in our or vastly extended lives.

There might be underground networks of shadowy corporate research scientists, techicians, nano-molecularists working individually or in groups make money the new feild of sleeper/ extension/Immortalism.

Longer life may become a both open and gray market business.

From legitimate Life Ex/ ‘Emmortal clinics to places like the Brain Wash, or other spots in San Francisco may really have temporary and perminent hormonal, intelligence/paranormal increasing drugs, serums, med-tech devices, combined with cyber-organism with mutual parasitic and symbiotic properties to not only maintain health but when possible nanosecond by nanosecond subtly improves all germ/stem cells in the system.

These healthier humans will look and and like us still subject to death even if it no longer age related, better control of interior and exterior biological systems though still not gods just the first of long lived humans full of lifetimes of experiences, worries, regrets, and whatever human folly they are subject to - in other words...

Look in the mirror, that is the face of immortality.

Stronger, faster, intelligent using 40 to 60 or more percent of increase brain capacity and dormant paranormal abilities.

Stay on earth, travel starward, live on other worlds, create human made ones in space, greet aliens, or become so genetically changed that our species become alien to our ancestors and descendants, parallel or altinate world traveling, or through time itself.

When one has time its hard close off other possibilites of study, living, exploring.

It may not be in your or my life times [that’s what cryonics and hibernation chambers, and suspended animation is for].

Now a surgeon name Joe says he can make it possible for humans to fly; he’s talking real flapping wings (High Flying Angel) X-Man/Woman wings.

I’d go for it but first I need time to see the pitfalls.

I can already see and feel the joy of complete freedom from the ground but I’ll deal with one hard science miracle at a time.

For now life exstension and immortality is what I want and need and with time I just might want and need wings in a long future.

How about it readers extremely long lived to immortal humans able to fly under our own power?

Would you if you had long life go for winged flight too?
'Kinda makes that
"Men wern't made to fly, "I can't stand to fly "Superman" song obsolete, well not yet but someday soon. Bye.
