The right to reasonable safety....

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The State of New Jersey Smacked with a Federal Lawsuit

by Leroy Moore/Illin and Chillin’

I’ve some bad news! The state of New Jersey could be
smack with a federal lawsuit if federal investigators
find that the allegations of inadequate care,
dangerous conditions, abuse and deaths of
developmental disabled and mentally ill residents in
New Lisbon and Woodbridge Developmental Centers are

According to a federal report involving New Lisbon
Developmental Center, sited that there have been 4,400
incidents, 242 classified as major including broken
limbs and overmedicating etc.. For example, on
February 9, 2002 a staff member intentionally smeared
glue on Wilson’s face, and then rip it off when it
dried. And on January 25, 2002 another staff member
slapped Paula in the face, and pinched her “because
she is a dark-skinned Black person’ and bruises don’t
show up on her.”

Many advocacy groups say that the New Jersey
Developmental Disability Centers has a long history of
being run down, overcrowded, understaffed and having
creaky and dirty equipment i.e. wheelchairs. Governor
James E. McGreevey has inherited this eye swore when
he took office. Under federal law, individuals in
public run nursing homes, jails and
developmental-disability centers have the right to
live in reasonable safety, receive adequate health
care and be free from unreasonable restraint.
These rights were violated at New Lisbon and
Woodbridge Developmental Center, federal investigators
concluded. There have been many plans on the table
from hiring new staff to closing the centers down. If
the negotiations between the state and federal
government fail to produce a satisfactory remedial
plan, the federal government could sue New Jersey.
For more on New Jersey and California DEVELOPMENTAL
Disability system click on Budget Crisis &
Prosperity: SAME STORY and then Call Governor James E.
McGreevey of New Jersey to advocate for our disabled
brothers and sisters.

By DAMO & New Jersey Minorities with Disabilities
Coalition taken from a federal report.
