Death into Life, People have dreams that are doable. Mine make take a few decades.

Original Author
Original Body

Ever heard, out of 1000 people Born
999 of 'em will die except 1?

I'm one of those 999 but I might
one day return.

I'll ask Duncan Mc Cloud, a woman called Raven,
Lazarous Long, and Ben Richards...

How does eternal life work folks?

by Joe B.

I’ve thought of my eventual demise and how to face it.

As a confirmed believer in both a deity, applied science and the human spirit not only dying came into mind but incredibly a possible return from the gray abyss of death.

Cryobiology: the study of extreme cold on living organisms.

My interest is Cryonics or freezing of the human body for revival in the not to distant future.

You’ve read science or speculative fiction about men, women through accident of nature or technological mishap are awakened hundreds or thousands of years in the future.

Woody Allan’s "Sleeper" movie comes to mind or the late Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda’s Captain
Dillin Hunt, trapped three centuries near or inside an event horizon’s black hole, or Old Buck Rogers centuries
long frozen orbit, and "Earth, Final Conflict.

Remember Boone the main character who is wounded, place in a suspended solution then destroyed only to be recreated from bits of his left over d n a brought back literally from almost nothing by advanced Taelon nano technology but there was a catch in his recreation that Boone and earth freedom fighters are able to defeat.Check out show on The Sci Fi Channel.

Just a few fictional examples.

I think before I die I better buy an my own huge ice cube thurmus to encase my body in after death.

But also thinking, what will the future be like when all my immediate relatives, friends have died or are so old have forgotten me through time and living their own lives.

My idea, before dying to join a few clubs and organizations not too many but just enough so if and when I do reawaken from death to a renewed life some of those organizations still around would be a bridge from my dead past to a new living future.

I thought about the Odd Fellow’s but think I’m odd enough as is to join it would prove too true.

I’ll join that one if and when I survive my second shot at life.

A church, Asian Museum, two life extension organizations connected with cryonics of course and The Common Wealth Club of California.

The last one I chose because it is the one because the life extension might be there or not but Common Wealth is more a sure thing.

What really concerns me is a connection from one century to the next.

Human’s get old, forget, move, and die.

Some organizations, clubs, institutions, change or fade away.

But there always a few that will stand the test of time.

I believe Churches, Museum’s, and certain Clubs have stood the test through time and as if I somehow by God’s or Goddess’s will and human science enable me to return to life no worse for the trip but slightly improved.

I’d have to reapply to all the orgs I originally joined and in doing so having people who are both curious and cynically inclined help me on this new journey.

I certainly don’t want to be the first to be revived, too much notoriety, an occasional crazy, religious nut, or someone who really wants to kill me because I’ve disproved one of their most cherished beliefs; that when people die they don’t come back, cannot regain youth and vigor.

It seems whom ever is first to be revived will be either the most famous person alive or quickly assassinated before they can effect change.

The Internet is stuffed full of technologies, old and emerging new sciences, stories, columns and whatnot.

I never think my writing will mean anything unless everything is archived and obscure answers found here where you couldn’t find them anywhere else.

Well, I know what I’ll be doing after death (on ice until revival).

I’m betting we have brains evolved to use to improve are lot in life, live longer, better lives, and beat not only our genes but also improve them and in the process if not beat but delay death for a few hundred to thousands of years.

Sure, people are laughing but a few under it are themselves thinking "Is it possible, can this guy or girl do it, die, get frozen, and someday be revived with added benefits besides?

There’s only one way to find out and that’s I’ll do in years to come.

I may not make lots of money, or be famous but I do have shot at a second life and if being anonymous is part of it so be it.

Some people join the military, become daredevils, ski, snowboard on ice, skydive out of a plane from 10,000 feet in the deep blue. People snorkel or wear scuba gear or

Everyone has ideas on life and death mines is just another opinion but knowing myself, living through these times I cannot go to ground and rot but see if there is an alternative way.

That’s just me people have always said I’ve been a strange duck. Maybe that’s my saving grace.

Bye, or until I do the death freeze a long time from now.

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San Francisco, CA 94103

