Dim, Birthday, & Dreams. No Excuse For Cavedweller Jerkbrain.

Original Author
Original Body

A day closer to
lay prone in a cryo-coffin.

Before that some 'travlin music.

Do Dream don't Talk it.

by Joe B.

Dumb stuff happen sometimes for example making up arbitrary arguments to be hurtful and not knowing why even while your doing it.

Odd, how brains work because this stupid stunt I dreamed of Daniel Boone, Davy Crocket in buck skins and coonskin caps with long rifles in the crook of their arms.

Four children are between them three young boys and a girl.

Crocket say’s to Boone "We don’t time for this lets go."

Boone is talking with two tears in his eyes, his cheek smeared with blood.

I know one or both died defending the Alamo in Texas.

I’m thinking both men are frontier roaming free spirits ranging far from the taming of civilized living.

The children could represent past aspects still holding on as the two warriors safely guide them out of the settlement into the wild areas and I had a feeling that the children will be protected, nurtured, and are extremely safe their capable hands.

For me it means an ending and letting it go naturally not artificially speeding that end.

Today is the day before my birthday I will be 49 maybe its clinical depression, a dip in bio rhythm but whatever happened was uncalled for attack and when I heard a honey-butter sweet voice talking to someone on the phone it’s a signal to leave knowing the fool should leave no dignity at all.

Later the next night called, returned with food that couldn’t eaten and returned home what little repair tried with bad food offering its my inept way of apology.

It all it boils down to temporary insanity, less blood to the brain, or clinical depression.

There are reasons why men compartmentalized and now women now too.

Women’s Pineal Gland are larger than men possibly because of a woman’s more complex 28 day menstrual, pregnancy, and menopause cycles

At this point I believe People-kinds future doesn’t depend on women’s stronger bio/sociological or mentally balanced work in tandem brains or men’s logic, tool making, stronger bodies but a perfect blend both sexes.

Also through all the "S" orientations, you know ‘em all by now all are included isn’t it curious that all the "S-O"s are from only basic male and female.

both same sex males/women need each other’s embedded chromosomes from each female and male.

Unless through a blend of science and technology women and men can change into each others sex .(from an old science fiction book.

Only then will men know the power of a woman’s complexity of emotive landscapes life giving/taking/protecting.

Women can experience complex and simple ways men can just be power automatically a given or men with out power and how they can finally understand the pressures male go through forever losing their surety of false superior species as most men already have.

Oh, and as for the woman or man who so loathes Poor that they must email their bored hate of it there is for him/her–A kind of lonely purgatory half life.

Here is what PM wants for her/him. A long, loving, healthy life of joy. Bye.
