2012 And Beyond, If one has little time it should be used wisely.

Original Author
Original Body

Wanna live, keep breathing.

If we Survive 2012 get ready for

If I'm around in 2030
but die anyway my cryo coffin will have a...

Temporary occupant.

by Joe B.

One last thing before going on to another subject.

Through the benefit last Sunday was a success I have shamefully neglected an item of personal importance.

Inside the Women’s building where the men’s room is a roll of toilet paper is set between two urinals.

Guy’s know what I mean, every time we think we’re finished urinating there’s always a few drops left and if we don’t vigorously shake or use tissue or paper towel to dry ourselves off there are wet spots on our pants where its supposed to be dry.

I Thank the Women’s Building for setting the roll between the stall and warnings on the painted wall and respecting the space by not adding graffiti to newly painted walls.

I seem never to get all my excess fluids out and usually have bits of tissue paper to wipe myself dry.

Not this time but thanks to the Women’s Building there’s no embarrassment I have enough worries about without tell tale wet spots on the front of my pants.

To a mystery business woman in San Francisco, thank you for your profile.

I’d like to take her to The Vagina Monologues (I’ve already read the book but haven’t seen video yet).

Hey, Folks this is my one way to actually answer someone taking the time to write me and thank her for doing that knowing she has a hectic busy life.

Now, I’ve heard about the Myan Calendar, their sudden disappearance and the 2012 date for some massive visitation by a massive object in 36,000 thousand year orbit.

I don’t know the how’s and why’s I just how this the equivalent of a hollow balsa wood object or an elaborate thirty six thousand year April fools joke.

Other dates as important if not more is 2020 + 2030.

This is because as far reaching life extension technologies improve and researches find ways to slow, reverse, or stop the aging process improves I don’t want to miss on possibly regaining years long gone like 24 to 35 or more.

Yes, these will be the tilt years when everything begins to speed up again.

A Selected ‘Prez and his pals have slowed our advancement, we’re still in the fossil age of dead dino oil, petroleum products.

I believe the U.S.A. now a so called Hyper Power must use Hyper Science and blended technologies for the improved health of its citizens her then abroad.

Time for me to join Cryonics, Immortalist, organizations and for them to form new political parties.

Who wouldn’t want longer, healthier, lives?

Oh, forgot the vested interest in death-wardly mobile leaders of church’s, governments, funeral directors plus a few political and business official who might not want their constituents to leave their business or change political affiliations.

What does a worker do who has and extra 50 or more years do?

They can learn more, travel, start newer organizations, start their own businesses, or just have time for rest, recreation, travel, and meeting people.

See what’s happening with young grand parent’s, this is just the tip of an ongoing future and do believe being young won’t mean to much as age rejuvenation science makes it possible for people in their 60’s or over can slowly regain their youth while keeping their experience.

I don’t know how it’ll will but I’d like to be around to participate especially ingesting or inhaling life extending drugs, medicines, along with updating my own personal
DGD[Digitized Genome Disks].

So if possible when changing any part of it I’ll be able see which are my artificial genes and original to updated improved ones.

I’m preparing now for a time not far away when the choice will be ours to not only cheat, beat, but also help our genes keep us younger, alive, and healthier.

I may sound like a nut but… readers, will you take a chance that I’m not?… Bye.

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Ask Joe at 1448 Pine Street,

San Francisco, CA. 94109 USA

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