A Quest, Remember those things? Handy when your a little bored. It'll lift your spirts.

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Have a quest on me.

Something near impossible or not.

I got mine ready, have you got yours?

by Joe B.

On Going Quest

Remember the middle ages?

Unless you were their in other lifetimes with past memories of them or a really successful Witch, Wizard, Magi, Ascended – Enlightened, or Awakened one.

You probably know the period as not really good for anyone but royalty, merchant’s, and early con artists or thieves.

Women in all stations of life were as bad off as the lowliest serf.

To combat boredom or beef up flagging reputations knights in armor, regular soldiers, roaming minstrel’s, Kings, Queens, Princesses, and Princes also would try their hand to journey on a quest.

It is something bigger, nobler than themselves; a way of self improvement and show courage, bravery, intelligence, sensitivity, and to be open to other kinds of ideas and knowledge and along the way if they ran into mentor instructing them along the way it is all the better.

Quests flourished in the blood wars when the west were supposedly saving souls for a paternal male God.

I’m sure many a knight, soldier, citizen, peasant had their own personal quest to survive, the times they are in protecting family, friends, and loved ones from former soldiers, knights turned cut throat marauders stealing food, kidnapping wife’s, children, rape and pillage of villages.

In the middle ages, patches of dark and light.

If you - a Alchemist had successfully reconstituted the fabled Philosopher’s Stone your troubles continued especially if your aging process is arrested, you are rejuvenated, and if woman who were known to be barren began giving birth to healthy children.

One had to learn quickly the powers gained or be discovered and tortured for the secret only supposedly only God reveals.

Yeah, it must have been hell for the survivors but for woman who achieved this state of grace its worse.

Being reproductively prolific yet outliving your offspring or they inherit regenerative, recuperative, powers, physical and mental abilities they must hide to survive.

You may have taken lovers out of loneliness, kept them younger longer or watched them age naturally.

You even may have chosen a lover first as child watching her/him grow and became their parent, instructor, friend, lover, wife, and mother of their children.

Many careers in your long life as you faked aging and almost died in wars, by the hands of lovers you may have had to leave or kill to survive.

Then there’s remaking the red swirling galaxy in a glass test tube again before time ran out.

Soon you figure out alternative biological ways others than the "thousand year stone fix"

If your extremely lucky you find lovers among your many times great grandson’s, daughter’s, nephew’s, or an- other alchemist either old-rejuvenated young as you or a still-in-first youth to be your equal, friend, lover, wife, husband and both of you will always be in touch no matter the distance by telepathic means.

Since few people believe in quests or Alchemists any more both of you are safe unless science rediscovers the truth which is likely as anything else these days.

My quest is to travel a bit, learn languages, more about mind/body/soul connections, how far they can really go when subtly pushed and of course to rediscover if that pesky philosopher’s stone is real.

If its not it’s a great journey I’ve been on but if its true My quest multiplies and as the ancients before me I’ll keep my own council.

Folks, may you find your Quest worthy, enlightenment, and friends along the way.

I should’ve been happily married, with children, and a wife to love, adore but if not that why not have personal lifetime quest where father time and mother nature might pass me up.

Then with all the time in the world my soul mate may find me if I don’t find her. Bye.

PS. Anyone have a personal they’d like to tell me about? Or are on already, any old/young or visa versa alchemist’s want unload do it or visit my place.

[You know I’m talking unconventional ways of travel so your not discovered]..

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