Pt. 2 Facilitator's & Books

Original Author
Original Body

Lets Get With It,
Ms. M. might take it off ('um written column)
- so read, copy it fast folks.

by Joe B.

Pt. 2 of Facilitators & Books.

Ok, I had left with a sliced thumb not knowing how deep the cut or if slivers of glass are still working their way through the cut.

Also I amended the older/elder

(actually I expound more explaining what I meant.)

Ms. M. won’t like it any better the other way but as 3rd editor she can have me not write it but if she does its because of her views not the actual reality of her
"We’re all youth" statement.

Off the bus racing to sign in, ask where to go, and if I’m on time.

I am a minute or two late so up 3 flights of stairs I go in room 309 Youth Movement (Youth Commission).

I don’t why I’m in there no longer a youth though invited by one and as I look for my friend I also listened in.

I was about self en-powered an how to expand that to those feeling their voices don’t matter because of their age.
(Been there, it’s a systematic withering of will when young people want to know more that adults wish them to and yet young folks as in every generation will take the reigns of leadership: problem with adults they want to control when power is given).

Like child prodigies racing with intelligence, passion, sensibilities, far beyond their contemporaries or older adults the pace of most adults and their own contemporaries out race what was once a set process.

Youth remake, redo, outrun adult processes and adults not understanding or in fear for their children’s fate and future try slowing their pace.

But youth will have their say, their way, in languages maybe unfamiliar to adults but right for them which the way of all constant change.

As an older invited guest my main job is to observe, learn, keep my mouth shut and mind open.

After that lunch and more teachers, T-assistants, students teachers and here I am an office manager/ columnist, soon-to-be-author not knowing what I’m doing here keeping my mouth shut, eyes and thoughts open.

Change the bandage again over a garbage can I’m about to race upstairs before going to the bathroom because Ms. M. Villaluna had no time for lunch

(being nearly late a facilitator because I didn’t go to her home and she waited until the last possible second – what can I say I almost mucked up her presentation but she knows my mind even if I didn’t).

So’s there’s some bladder strain it’s a deserved for almost messing up someone’s important presentation.

After getting the food on the table and later covering it with two napkins I race back as my bladder pounds full of bio poisons and toxins made within me.

Trying to be inconspicuous does me no good as Ms. M. has me sitting slightly across from near the podium where she's speaking from.

She wore faded bluejeans and a demure white top (blouse, skirt top, I don’t know I’m not into fashion for men or fem’s wear.

Usually she’d speed through but I’m glad we talked before and I suggested slowing down her words and not seeming to hyperventilate because of nervous excitement.

I didn’t want her to fail that’s another reason I didn’t want to be there if she flopped it would only be on her.

I didn’t want to be added pressure on her but here I am because she invited me there so like a fly stabbed on a pin I’m sitting listening closely.

It went well and in the question/answer session which she played in a game about how youth changed the world.

I believe because I was part of group 4 Ms. M. may have not given us points for being close to the age mark of individual young people creating change in the world.

Yeah, I get one question correct but some others that others on my team that was a year or two off wasn’t given points for being really close I blame myself because Ms. M. may have been still pissed at almost making her late and got back at me by making our make shift team lose bad.

When she picks me to speak on Adult Allies all I remember saying is "Sometimes you have bullshit adults on a youth(s) behalf, do a little stroking of their ego."

As one agrees and more eloquently expands on it I had to leave because my bus pass ran out and the walk would do me good because of the rich cake and ice cream deserts.

Stealthily leaving saying good by as Ms. M. is about to wrap up she had long since come into her own and I am just glad she thought enough of me to witness one of her many well known talents as Public Speaker/Facilitator.

Pt. 3 is on POOR’s Release Party during and its aftermath.

Hope I can get the last piece in by Tuesday. Bye.

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