by Staff Writer
The Budget Cuts are cutting Us!
We the citizens
We the People
We are being denied all humane rights
Lest of all the rights as citizens of the U,S, of A.
The Rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Teen Citizens
Lack of Education
Leads to Street Corners
Imprisonment, drugs, prostitution, gangbanger, death
Teen parents, which starts the whole circle again
Budget Cuts cutting Us!
Senior Citizens
Retired , hapless trusted in their retirement fund, gone
Medicine, Food, or Shelter?
No choice, but to ditch one, how can they
Cutting Us, to the Bone!
Disable d Citizens
Mental and Physical
Programs canceled, a carrot dangled
Homelessness , streets, death
We are being denied all humane rights
We are being denied power to the people
What we are not being denied is a Bigger Police Force
More Big Bosses, with more Political Power
Bigger and bigger , prisons, jailhouse, and juvenile halls
We the people protest this "War against Poverty
We are citizens!
Teen, Senior, Poor, and Disabled!