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Stupified, stunned, in Shock!

There are alternate ways other than
killing the best and brightest among us.

I have questions, do you?

by Joe B.

"It "Freak-in happened again! 7 intelligent, adventurous, creative people flashed-to-ashes. Mr. Ilan Ramon, a colonel of in the Israeli Airforce, First Israeli astronaut In Space
Dr. Kalpana Chawla, First citizen of India in space.
Col. Rick Husband, Lt. Col. Michael Anderson, Cmdr. William McCool, and Capt. David Brown, Laurel Clark.

"When I heard someone talk about it Saturday, February 1st it didn’t register.

The thought came "It must’ve been an empty shuttle tested for flight by remote control, it couldn’t of happened again?

There’s an emergency escape pod or pods for two or three astronauts at a time to glide safely to earth.

But I’m wrong, no escape pods, Mc Giver like glider kits that can be deployed at the edge of space along with one-time us emergency thermal suits for added protection.

I am glad I only heard and not seen as what happened but it will be displayed what happened it its awful entirety.

My own moment of silence was through out that day and Sunday at a new church I pray in.

The bare facts of the matter is no matter what humanity does to make it safe for us to become a space-faring race their will always be a cost but it shouldn’t take the best of our people in one blast like this has once again.

Maybe a combination of robotic probes, inexpensive, of-the-shelf-cheap one-time to multi-use Nanotech- nological solutions could be the 21st technological equivalent of 19th century canaries in the mine telling miner how dangerous gaseous build up that kills canaries but warns the miners.

That could be what Artificial Intelligence nano devices are for, the safeguarding of human lives in space, on a planetoid, moons, asteroids, comets, or on near worlds like mars, or reforming, regenerating, life on dead worlds for human eventual habitation.

Meanwhile poor and working folk are being crushed underfoot by rising taxes, longer jail terms, legalized death camps (State Penitentiary Prisons) where more and more innocent people are dying because of rush to judgement prosecutor’s and overworked defense lawyers.

Selected ‘Prez B Jr. does not pause in the face of ultimate heroism tragedy but continued talk of war which grounds our economy to dust.

That’s my reasoning.

Part 3 of Gay, Straight, & Women or GS&W will continue because one cannot keep this tragic accident upper most in mind or it’ll cause weeping, sobbing, jags for people I’ve never met but admire.

I cannot imagine what family and close friends, students are going through.

May all of them hurt less as weeks, months, and years go by although it will be a long rough process.

This could be too deep wound for many that may never completely heal.

Too much knowledge, applied science, personal courage, and sacrifice of these people and their families have gone into NASA to let the dream and reality of space exploration go.

But safeguards or A.I., robotics has to take up the slack where humans are too vulnerable.

There must be a way to fuse the above technologies in the service and safety of Peoplekind.

Any ideas about safety in space besides not going?

Not going isn’t an option too many human’s have died in the endeavor to end this venture.

How do we protect and proceed in space? Bye.

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Email: askjoe@poormagazine.org
