Dance Class, Where One Refound Lost Rythms.

Original Author
Original Body

I'm about to relearn how
to dance my booty off.

Do Yoga to Stretch, stay flexible.

And if it rains heavy, for me its...

a very good thing.

by Joe B.

I use to dance way back when but as job, rent, homelessness, and my own inner demons fell upon me it seemed to have fallen away and then my body began to stiffen oh, there is exercise, some sex, weight lifting and swimming but still the ‘bod was not as limber and free as it once was.

A big reason is being part of an organization that is intensely political while I try staying away from swarms of issues that always pop up from Abortion to Xenophobia and all the find different in between side issues forever floating about.

Deciding after years of work home work home work with TV thrown in its time to have an afterlife; that is life after leaving the office of Poor Magazine.

Don’t get me wrong Poor has done much for improving my writing, reading, analytical, comprehension skills (which I’ve learned in analyzing movies or TV shows)

To do it deadens any pure entertainment value that was there in the first place or waiting for months to see the shows anew again.

This is exactly why I rarely do reports on events because I cannot enjoy it much when writing about it.

In City College I’ve enrolled in two classes Dance and Yoga.

The Yoga helps me to stay limber, supple after strenuous dancing.

Its curious that both classes are in the Women’s Gym area.

I don’t mind it at all the pungent aroma of estrogen is has better tingly smell than working out in a gym full of testosterone.

Not being the only guy in the class means less focus on me which is great since I’m there to learn not ogle, stare, or otherwise leer at women stretching.

Latin Dancing is different.

One has to hold another body firmly yet gently, listen to music, the instructor and their assistants helping students with difficulty dancing with partners or by themselves.

My second week I’m a little more confident but still have some trouble twirling or being twirled about by a female partner and just as we get use to each other we’re switched to another.

I’ve always felt self-conscious because of my lazy left eye wonder if I should where a patch for the woman’s sake so she’s not distracted focusing on my bad eye.

Most women don’t really care as long as they are held correctly and are not touched in inappropriate ways.
I do not and have enjoyed my two hours and end up floating home on the 10 p.m. Bart train.

At one or two bars a friend generously taught me how to move and flow with her movements I even had a beer which is rare since I do not drink but this is a special occasion.

One thing if I take a lady home or she me I won’t be drinking because I believe in total concentration on the woman I’m with and though I’m told a little alcohol loosens you up but too much a man can… go limb or wilt at the moment he needs to be straight up, slightly bent, or semi hemi.

Thing is, I forgo the whole risk by staying sober, focused plus the anxiety, stray nervous energy I always seem to have actually helps me be ready enough without wilting.

The funny thing is fear gives me the extra push.
I wish I could be completely relaxed, but that only happens when we are melded and moving about making mistakes, bumping heads, lips, loins.

I’d be a nervous wreck if I drank before consummation
of the act. An I have to like something about them it can be anything they way the look, laugh, talk, walk, it’s tenuous at best but that tether in my connection to her.

Yeah, what’s this emotive bull most guys won’t admit they need some small measure of connecting as women do but that’s been me since my first lover and what was that?
Absolute, paralyzing fear that I wouldn’t please her and fail miserably.

Besides all that it began to rain first light then heavier until it’s a full blown thunderstorm. It only made it worse for me I thought because I could feel the rains reaction running through me. God! I’m with a lovely female, we’re in bed and the damn rain is making me go hot and cold, then I felt real strong and able to complete the passage to manhood.

As I said fear froze me but the paralyzed part was more personally embarrassing to me it seemed to make my first lover very happy. I’m crying, she’s tearing up, both of us laughing-it’s strange, comforting even to this day my body still reacts this way.

My rooms always a mess because of too many science fiction, women’s, or biography books, papers from assignments or incomplete works of my own.

There was a full length mirror in the basement no one was using and now its mine so now I can see how my feet move when practicing dance steps.

The best thing that can happen if after a dance a woman is in my home or I’m in hers is a torrential rain storm then again if my nervous energy kicks in I just might have a repeat date and not a one-night-stand.

Can any of recommend a safe bar/club for me because
I’ve no idea which are safe in or out of the Bay Area and
I need some expert advice especially from women who’ve been through these flesh wars. . . . Bye.

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