Artists with Heart

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Art Show held to support B.O.S.S.

by Joseph Bolden

Artists With A Heart

On Saturday, Dec. 8th B. O. S. S. [Building
Opportunity For Self- Sufficiency ]
had an art show, the proceeds will help house families and individuals in need.

There may be enough to buy and turn buildings into real affordable low income housing,the farce of affordable housing.

Artists With A Heart began with Ms. Stephanie Wilger, a sculptor using all kinds of materials in her creations. She wanted to help by placing her work in an art gallery where part of the proceeds go to clients of B.O.S.S. attempting to create real affordable housing for people needing to be housed or sheltered, other artists joined in the effort.

From the cute “Red Rover” Dog by Karen Mason, Nudes of Gilda Waldman, Mary Glasson’s Landscape, Geraldine Krieger’s Yellow Plunge, Rising by Steven Rothenber. Tansy Mattingly Jazz Dance, to Stephanie Wilger’s Seeds of Intimacy, Dove Of Light, Big Heart, Love Glove and Silk Canoe.

All show me the power of woman’s ultimate Vagina power and vagina’s of various sizes, shapes, color, and textures.

All I as a male could do is be mesmerized, subtlety seduced by these formally intimate and private females areas shown full force blazing, glowing, inviting yet comforting if I let it wash over me. So much art, little time to absorb. There are artists I’ve not mentioned because of time constraints I do not want to slight any of them. Go see for yourselves -where to go or call:BOSS, 2065 Kittredge, Ste. E, Berkeley, CA. 94704. Email:
