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The NO WAR art show at The Luggage Store Gallery

A PNN ReViEwsFoRtheReVoLuTiOn

by TJ Johnston/Community Journalist

On a drizzly Friday evening, I ambled my way to another antiwar demonstration, this one on scenic Sixth and Market
Street. Of course, not only did the venue of protest differ from the expected gatherings on Union Square or the Civic Center
Plaza, but the method was also atypical. Over 70 artists displayed their dissidence against the US's impending war on Iraq.
This resistance took form of paintings, illustrations, scultures, photos and video instillations. On December 6, the Luggage
Store gallery hosted an opening reception of "No War." The exhibit wil run until January 11.

Among the featured artists were Rigo '02, Rupert Garcia, Fernanda Steinmann, Claire Rojas, TWDCD, and Nome Edonna. The
reception's attendance easily numbered in the dozens: one could say everybody who was somebody was present.

Rather than critique individual works, I think it's better to show select samples. The Luggage Store is located on 1007 Market St.
in San Francisco and open Wednesdays through Saturdays from 12pm to 5pm (gallery closed Dec. 25 to 27 and Jan. 1). Many of the
exhibited items are for sale. Call (415) 255-5971 to make an inquiry. If you have antiwar art you'd like to be shown, fax a copy to
(415) 863-5509.
