Art, Suspect & Stolen

Original Author
Original Body

The first in
the lobby of my SRO.

A second taken from
our new...

POOR Magazine Office
just off POLK STREET.

by Joe B.

Originally from Thursday, 10/11/02.

Today Monday, Oct. 14, 2002.

Well, its Indigenous People’s Day where a certain Captain Columbus gets lost at sea, "finds a New Land," with people living on it and says "its now discovered.

Calls the inhabitants "Indians" setting into motion bloodshed, disease, and death.

‘Yeah, he is sorry, he dies broke while descendents of the New World still go through colonizing hell.

Sure its not that simple but happened historically.

Now to what I wrote pre holiday.

I’m glad The House of Representatives are still arguing over going to war in Iraq Thursday, Oct. 11, 2002.

Yeah, I said Congress instead of House of Reprentatives oops by me also another error I made was talking about the WWW (World Wide Wrestling) WWO which is World Wrestling Organization instead of WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment).

For everyone within those organization the wrestling champion’s, challengers, wife’s husband’s, boys, girlfriends and fans supporting them and this venerable sport.

I sincerely apologize for my ignorance.

"Smack Down, Raw, and other events live, on television is an adrenaline rush I chose to indulge as a guiltless pleasure.

Finally there’s someone I haven’t spoken to in years and only now after four years my promise is kept.

Its 1998, my work in Goodwill Industry as a sorter 7 to 8 hours standing up, with gloves, saving, tossing out donated items from clothes, records and tapes to everything from a to z.

Mr. Scott Douglas, a 6 foot or taller, auburn haired man worked near where I am.

We conversed a lot over a few months before I my job at POOR Magazine freed me of the place.

Before I left he gave me a bit of brown paper after telling me about writing one or more screenplays and if my being an office manager could help.

If I can help send his name or contact someone in LA.

That was almost five years past with delays, assignments, losing Scott’s paper finding again.

I can finally pay a long dept I owe him.

This is a call to all director, producers, exec. Dir., Prod., and anyone able to help Mr. Scott Douglas who’s probably by now a successful Screenwriter in Hollywood by now.

Since I’ve no clue its all moot to me.


415 –885-9692

575 – 2170

These phone numbers may have changed over the years.

And if Scott has moved and any of the readers know how to contact him please do.

Tell him Joe wishes him all the best and have fun in Hollyweird but not too much.

Remember the couple in "The Eagles "Life In The Fast Lane."

Whew, that’s a lodestone gone now back ye old column again.

If anyone is offended by what I write next… Tough, life sometimes sucks, deal.

One guys are is another’s worthless junk.

In our new office on Pine Street Dee, Co creator, lead editor of POOR Magazine had place an old 1920’s or late 30’s photo of a nude guy on ice skates.

Its tasteful not gross.

At the same time in my SRO complex on 6th and Market Street another piece of art work is being displayed in the lobby of the building.

I’m not the most observant person on the planet so for a day or two.

I didn’t notice but hear lots of people having problems with the art work portrayed there.

Dee’s fuming about the photo being a rare photo set in a glass frame and wondering why someone would take it.

A few names came up and also the day before our office was full of people including the landlord and two air condition repairmen because that went on the blink.

New people sign up applications to learn about multimedia, Graphics Arts, or whatever they want.

There is a meeting while the "Show Time" is on.

One guy talking loudly while others begin same ruin movie time so before signing the petition.

"Joe, why you doing this, put that thing somewhere else."

I didn’t know what he was talking about which I simply asked.

There is another guy name Joe who also does photography but I haven’t been taking shots (photographs) for weeks sometimes months.

I know its not me doing it but could if I wanted shoots and frame it the way it looks.

But I’m into so heavy art look of the finished photo as the other Joe is.

At least not at this time.

I finally see what all the fuss is about.

The artwork is a picture in a clean if not new gold frame, its crisp white boarded sets off the color photo perfectly as light reflects of glass brightens it.

It shows our building in background, while in foreground a man in a dark dirty sweat shirt and jeans sleeping in the street.

The artist is next to men "What do you think?"

I better not tell him what I really thought being tactful is comes in hand sometimes.

"Nice beautiful gold frame."

Then I slip away, into the movie room to sign the petition to have the artwork taken down.

It’s a great piece art however placing it where people are daily struggling to be off the street, escape homelessness, drink, drugs, and or sexual addiction.

Some people do not wish have a daily reminder of where they are, were, and continue to struggle freeing ourselves over time and avoiding falling back or to relapse as its better known.

"I’m an artist." he said.

Well I go to the store by orange juice, ice cream
clean water and I return to see if the art photo but it has been taken down.

I guess the other Joe hears so much flack that he worries his art might suffer an "accident" so he quickly takes it down.

At POOR’s sleek new office the missing nude Ice-skating man is still gone I don’t who took it or why it was taken but I sure didn’t.

All I did is acknowledge its presence and go about my business.

I hope its found but if it stays lost – oh, well.

If anyone has rare framed photo’s they want to give away please send it if you can. Bye.

PS. We found the Leo Saxone as (Brth) Superman rare framed photograph circa 1939. (Brittish) above the small fridgidare on the left side scottch taped on the wall.

Either the repairmen placed it safely there while they fixed the air conditioning and was noy returned to its original place. -

Missing artwork was never lost just misplaced
mystery solved.

Please send donations to

Poor Magazine or in C/0

Ask Joe at 1448 Pine Street St. Street,

San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA

For Joe only my snail mail:
PO Box 1230 #645

Market St. San Francisco, CA 94102

415- 626-4405

