All I'm saying is get out there-VOTE! Want a rerun of the last four years...? Save your friends,loved ones,and yourself
a chance for change has come again,grab it folks.
by Joe B. Democrat Convention /New Org. Usually,I’d be with Dee, Lisa,sometimes Mr. Leroy Moore,or other guests on PNN(Poor News Network) on KPFA’s FM 94.1 Morning show in Berkeley. A serious health emergency involving Tiny’s child who’s high fever worried them combined with KPFA’s own internal problems caused the PNN segment to off the air at least temporarily. I do enjoy the whole day off usually when time permits I write a script from an old or current column for radio production. My very first script written work is about economics from the start of the great depression to the 1980’s. It had introduction bumper music,which I had learned after a few weeks to time to begin, fade in, and fade out,talking under, over,and through it making fewer mistakes as I learned. A mini tape-recorder, radio,and extra batteries helped a lot until it all went together seamlessly. My voice would go dry, too high,low,it was difficult but after a few month its second nature I even wanted to try faking three voices in one paragraph for a column- turned-radio segment but it is nixed by tiny. A year or two past I had story of going to a nude beach that went wrong though the most exciting part is cut out that I wanted but again told not to use even though I’m able to cut out other words to keep them in. After that I rarely place anything of my own on the show only announcing the Berkeley radio stations call letters and PNN’s mission statement. So,I’ve learned how to speak on the radio though sometimes still nervous its no longer alien and when given a script to read on a day (more often hours notice) I do a job learning professionalism in the process. Listening to the Democratic Convention after work,on my days off is rare for me though this time its really important to get the current white house residents out and gone somewhere else. I won’t name drop but all our votes counting, founding father’s and mother’s wisdom,working poor,houseless issues, and stem cells by one of the son’s of a 1980’s President made me really listen and look at what will change if a new administration is voted in. All I’ll do is vote for the candidates and avoid certain political debates with a dear friend on hiatus this summer. Lunchtime on my day off I’m standing in a food line Anyway,at a food line at Glide Memorial Church near 12 noon I see young and older adults in new what t shirts with black lettering on them which reads "Project Connected" I didn’t think about it my stomach growling, churning a bit. What The Fuck Is Project Connect? Following the line I go into the church,downstairs like everyone else and soon eating a hot nutritious meal of potato’s,loose corn,turkey,light dressing over lettuce and tomatoes, also cranberry sauce and water. I would’ve gone for a second helping but the line is too long. While hurrying to St. Anthony's for a possible first serving and a second helping of lunch I see a group of t shirted young folks walking in my direction. I asked "How old is Project Connect?" One of them said it’s a new organization finding out what people need in the communities of San Francisco." Then a young woman hands me a blue piece of paper. Well,fresh new troops on the ongoing war to help feed,protect,and house whomever wants and needs the help. I do wish them all the best,maybe from some of these folks the next Youth Commissioner’s and politically savvy political career minded adults will come from. Food is on my brain along with Stem Cells, Therapeutic Cloning, automated robot technology, rejuvenation,regeneration, and ways to trick,slow, reverse,retard,and stop the aging process. Just because I’m on the lower economic scale for not does mean I’ll be here forever. That is if I figure out ways to finagle myself into a prolonged, extended life span. People have their plans for life and I have mines, I just hope my plans last longer. To everyone who has rarely or never voted, whether your young,old,its time to do your civic duty and vote for better times, years ahead – We’ve have a chance lets not blow it. Please send what you can be they Palm Pilots, or working laptops minus full hard drives,and digital or web camera’s if you can (need both money-MOs,tech help bad!)