I'm back from rest. A curious term "Girlie Man." Space,Moon,'n Mars For White Flight Out of sight,out of mind.
by Joe B. Gov’s 2 word Jibe Once in a while one leaves San Francisco to breathe different kinds of air. Not knocking S.F. at all,its just that every few days out of a month I must pat this lovely,glittering bay lady gently on her shoulder,forehead,or rump and take a rest from her gracious arms. I guess maybe out of a combination of frustration, anger,or tiredness the "Girlie Men" comment for legislators came for not getting the budget balanced,holding up bills or laws. Two words belittling women,men,Transexuals. Definitely a Homophobic remark. But when legislator’s balk bothered both these words it makes us all squirm a bit because it shows a deep dark streak of xenophobia on the Governor’s part. A sound bite lasting three days or more than a week but if it helps move the budget crisis along, get bills,laws,signed in… Who knows but Mr. Arnold will be paying for that remark for months or years to come. A Saturday Night skit spoofing a body building, businessman,actor-turned California Governor,hmmm. Thank applied science for video’s and digital video disks to go back and see what the flap is all about can be plain old research. C-SPAN is always a good way of seeing what’s going on with what’s happening in Washington. The Stem Cell debate with scientists,senator’s, and patients benefiting from the limited applications of adult stem cell lines is riveting. It showed the human side of what this emerging technology is capable of in improving lives and how far it must go so all of us can benefit. It turns political, religious,the late President Reagan is mentioned and Mrs. Nancy Reagan’s own views shows how complex this many sided issue is. Now that I’m back, refreshed,and metaphorically kissed on my cheek,returned to her firm embrace,I am ready to begin new until again the Young mature Giantess has to much of her way with me. Why do most men (myself included) think of certain machinery like ships, buildings,or cities as "She or Her"? Could it be that unconsciously ships, buildings,and cities all are womb-like,warm, protective and indeed able to protect her charges as long as they in turn repair maintain,the upkeep of them - Giantess’s they’ll protect us the weak fleshy ones on or inside them. Looks as if ‘White Flight" in Bay Area city of Concord are leaving in droves as Latino’s move in for a better life. "W.F."is a time honored way of fleeing reality,the reality that times,people, economic conditions have slowly overtime has changed is changing. Running away use to be an option for some it still is but as rainbow folks gain more access to education,better jobs/ careers. To the flighty,got-to- get-away,folk there’s not many places to run to anymore unless it outer space,the asteroid belt between Saturn’s rings,the moon,or Mars. I say let ‘em run until there’s no more places to run. You know the saying "Justice delayed is justice denied" Well certain folks are still running away. They’ll always be those doing that long necked flightless bird stunt with its head in the sand. Were you a White Flighter? Are you children of or know relatives of White Flight? 1095 7th & Market Street, For the odd "acidental" topless color photo'n phone,address(Women only) also M.O.'s (hey,I work at P-M-I that's it. |