Time to see the world. Make more money,travel maybe make it Must get out of a rut.
by Joe B. Pol Day’s I don’t think of politics or politicians. Its not that it’s a bother its just that like fashion or fads they change everyday and every four to six years. There is so much print, words,sound bites devoted to what’s said,not said, should-a,could-awould-a been said if such and such situation occurred or not. Working in a constantly struggling non profit organization taught me lots of various skills not learned on 9to5 jobs. It being an art/written, poetic plus helping people of little or no means, hearing about feverish grant writing sessions for monies gets to one at times. No grant writer am I - it gets hairy as an employee hearing the org is constantly in need of funds even though some funds are earmarked for my pay still one begins looking,placing applications in all sorts of places. Did G.A.(General Assistance and Work Fare shuffle don't want to go through it again. That's the one thing I'd miss writing colunms,short stories on'em. Possibly making money on the net with a PC connected in my place. I can learn doing voice over on radio since I’ve read scripts,shortened columns to its essence for radio. Since most of the time PNN or KPFA 91. 4 FM is a half-hour show dedicated informing the public on politics,promoting itself and others with various kinds of bumper music for mood. I enjoyed it but would like to branch out,see if I can do other things. PNN is their show I’m a hired employee,what’s humorous from what I like writing,taling about isn’t used much. I save my works for when it can used there’s no remaking the wheel. One story touched on is if Gay men,women and children not suddenly but over time vanished not from violence,or segregated away but from a genetic biological breakthrough. Its speculative fiction folks,a tale to tell. This improbable story takes place in other dimensions,worlds,not on our world. After a dramatic reading it would be said visitors lands in our cities, countries find we have similar kinds of social Oh,now I do phone advertising,never was good at it,thought my voice is sorta made for it. For me its torture,but can’t say no because its an as needed job (add on extra job). Meaning any(fill-in)is your to do job.(It feels that way to me) Another reason to move on,not looking back. Time to do this add thing w/phone until its found out I’m not good at it. Until then,does anyone out there know how one gets voice over job(s) at other radio or television stations? It may be your lucky day and you'll work for POOR One things for sure you end with multiple mad-skills.