What a so called war... Will the Stop-Loss begin the end of I suggest to anyone with thoughts of
even when its over soldier's still die
wars because soldier's and soldier's to be
will join up saying "NO MORE WAR!"
joining the military,think hard and think
again of other options - it might save your lives!
by Joe B. Does Stop-Loss=Death? I’m not military expert or ex Jarhead, Dogface, Flyers,or washed out Cadet but this Military term a first sounds like a tourniquet on a bleeding wound used to temporarily stop blood flow of a wound. I quickly looked up what Stop Loss means on the net,how its starts. Stop Loss The Secretary of Defense has delegated Stop Loss authority to the branch secretaries. That means it's up to the S.O.D. Army,Navy or the Air Force to determine if they'll let people out. The Air Force has stopped all retirements and separations for the next thirty days unless the separation has already been approved to occur before Oct 1. The Army has not implemented Stop Loss. The Navy has implemented a limited stop loss for people in 11 critical specialties that will affect about 10,500 people. The Marine Corps will announce its plans later this week. http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Sep2001/b09242001_bt454-01.html All the other attachments may be important also so I left it for anyone to see. I know Sept.2001! 2001, so it may have been in the works because short footed man/fem shortage. Man!I know being military is personnel are an honor and privilege serving our country. Learning all the songs rules, traditions. You may have had regular sexual relations with women or women with men all that stops cold unless one’s lucky enough to hook up in the military. Still there are procedures follow you might end up with a dishonorable discharge or worse in the brig (jail) or court martial (trial by a military court). Once all those early hurdles are crossed, after graduation. Being picked for your best skills, performance, you may be deployed anywhere to in the world doing what you were trained for whatever it may be. That is understood, Government Issue meaning for term of the military contract you trained, get regular salary and when your tour of duty ends you can decide re-up (reenlist) or not. But Stop-Loss is a way if of keeping trained, scarce military personnel in harness especially if sign-ups are low. When America’s All Voluntary isn’t getting as many taker’s well Being an experienced soldier and keeping them in seems to be the way to go to the Secretary Of Defense plus most experienced soldiers won’t gripe at least not to their superior officer’s. Yes,men,women volunteered,get excellent training,travel opportunities and if they survive the horrors war with little wounding or mental anguish. Rank does have it privileges though many lose limbs, mind, or lives in war. So when ones time is up is it any wonder those that want to live quiet or adventurous civilian lives should be able to go on ending their military career’s? Another bite at the apple,forced tours of duty,to never see loved one’s brother, father, sister,son,mother,wife, husband,or birth child. Are the men and women Cannon Fodder again because of there’s not enough people joining up? How long can Stop-Loss staunch the tide in Iraq? Its like a bad time travel story where the hero’s try as they might cannot save the lives intended and instead become part of dying history. Men, women, who would’ve been home relatively safe are now fated to fight on. It makes one glad that if one dies in battle it’s finally over and no returning after physical regeneration, rejuvenation to fight all over again. That’s a living hell soldiers are glad not to know is reality at the moment. It seems Stop-Loss is the invisible fine print when joining. How many enlisting now know of this? Would enlisted folks with hindsight re think military career’s probably not but for those now thinking of enlisting will they have second,third,or fourth thoughts before going in now? What about those retired or just out but knowing units with their buds and sister’s are Stop-Loosed how do you feel,explain.