SFPD guns down another young brother

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by JusticeFor Tyrell

On Friday morning, Sept.9 2005, the San Francisco Police Department brutally terrorized and gunned down 18-year-old Tyrell Taylor. They never once said freeze or stop, stated Ebony, a neighbor and Hunters Point native, who watched from the top floor of her apartment on Northridge Road as the police shot at Tyrell numerous times as he ran for safety, his shirt and jeans dripping with his own blood, into the house of Lata Price, another neighbor and close family friend.

"Amerikkka has been at war with the African American community since the beginning of slavery. Today, instead of slave masters terrorizing them, it's the terrorist police. Instead of calling it slavery, it's jail and prison. Instead of using whips and chains, their weapons of choice are bully clubs, guns, pepper spray and tasers.

We can't allow the police to terrorize our communities and treat us like dogs. It's time for us to stand up and fight for our lives and the lives of our children. You may not have known Tyrell, but what happens when the police attacks one of your children or someone close to you?

We've swept enough brutality under the door, but it's time for us to take out the trash. This isn't the first time they've done it and it won't be the last if we don't get it together as a community and do something about the way police terrorize our community and the places we call home". (Quote from Apollonia Jordan, reporter for the SF Bayview National Black Newspaper)


Please join and post a message of Love and Support to 18yr. Tyrelle Taylor and his courageous family ! Please forward to your contacts !
