a gray day.. by Keith Kemp

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From Poetry WorkShop Skolars at Hospitality House Art Studio's Political Climate Series

by The Hospitality House Art Studio Skolaz

I wonder if this downpour I got caught in today with no protection will be a sign of November 2nd promises blowing over my homeless body. Soon someone will win and I don't give a damn who wins who wins cause its hard for me to focus on Bush burning or Cash and Kerry.

I live under the bridge while someone lies in a White House. All I want is to stop living the force fed educated american dreams and start living my own, where I can help my fellow human being instead of worrying with dark grey paranoia eating me when I pass by your love addicted need to feed stares

When you have a home where you can paint the walls any color you choose then I will feel safe to just let my happy smile shine out on a grey day
