Vote, Vote, Kat

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From Poetry WorkShop Skolars at Hospitality House Art Studio's Political Climate Series

by The Hospitality House Art Studio Skolaz

I just heard about it

we knew it already

not really

You know how we all thought that we lived in a democracy

where every vote counts, get out the vote

polls of likely voters


early, absentee,

it will be a disaster if we don't get out the vote.its an emergency. Can you imagine what the next four years will be like?

Its the bringing down of America

its the letting terrorists win.
its stem cells and abortions

its more tax breaks for the rich

its children left behind on their door steps

its ..its...

like never before

and then...

what do we find out?

I heard it on the Today show today

No Matter who wins the popular vote..its the electoral college vote that counts..last year

this year..
