B-Day Whoop De Do.

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One Day Shy.

For Young-Ole Guy.

Life, I want to improve as wine.

No dying just get better,best with time.

by Joseph Bolden

B-Day, Whoop De Do.

Today is pre birthday.

Don't feel my years,am I to feel old because of a few decades of life I don't think so.excuse(?)glitch

Few aches or pains some Yoga helps,walks,sex is a great calorie reducer and relaxing,beats taking laxatives or drinking when depressed.

Food was my choice of self destruction now exercise in place of that.

I figure the more depressed I get the better I'll look.

At 54 life isn’t bad at all sure with aids or std’s [sexually transmitted disease] running riot it’s a wonder I didn’t catch anything especially being part of a floating population of what’s called houseless,transient,folk.

In this instance being negative is a good thing and I've always tested negatory thank God/Godesses
for small miracles!

Found transition housing and staid for a while.

Time to leave maybe find a place with apartments full of single ladies or share rent with a few.

With a new job, ideas of what to do next now possible.

I’m still working on chronological/biological matrix in that one does cancel the other.

Biological caps Chronological.

Here’s what’s meant if one can figure out true not cosmetic age reversal biologically then chronological numbers mean zilch.

Its as if an 80 year woman or man found ways of reversing their age 30 or more years.

They look,act,are younger chronology matters less.

So I’ll try that theory for a long time too bad governments are not testing this on people by gene manipulation or using new improved artificial genes.

I’d volunteer for slow or reverse aging therapies with a slight stipend for my time a guinea pig.

Thinking of more travel, besides Atlanta, or Hawaii (my family is helping with that).

Legal money making schemes, schools, for all kinds of stuff I’ll not mention.

Yeah,life has been exciting,ridiculously dangerous and odd at times but if I’d like a few hundred to a thousand years to contemplate and enjoy.

One thing would really please me and that’s living so freakin’ long unmarried that finally society says nothing is wrong with being a single man or woman.

I’d like to get dates because I’ve braved staying along.

Women are praised for it while are men are look at as strange short lived creatures!

To outlive the single guy,bachelor,image of someone in need of a woman or women.

The joke Married men live longer,single men don’t because they don’t take care of themselves has to be retired along with other so called truism 27 year old women as spinsters.

Imagine a world where because one has lived, loved,experienced, and continues to stay vital they get dates for my um, instructive experience.

For now society has its rules and its up to me and all of us to bend, loosen, stretch, or brake so rules that are arbitrary in nature except (bestiality, child molestation/rape or murder society is needed for the good it also does.

So lets see within a decade or two is society bends again.

In the meantime there are jobs, stuff to learn, friends to make, and lives to live.

How many isn’t know but wouldn’t be wondrous having a few centuries to take the time to find out?

That’s what I’m going for and if its against societies laws oh well, just call me an outlaw.

You I’ve never really been bad maybe this is my chance.

Got to go Life is Calling and Eternity Awaits.
