Another Birthday.

Original Author
Original Body

Each day use to mean closer to grave.

Now Science has figured age reversal.

Me? Finding ways to slow & reverse Biological


When biological aging is reversed ...

Chronological Aging looses all meaning!

by Joseph Bolden

Another Birthday

As readers can see I too think of Death's Loopholes

Find 'em expand 'em and the big sleep also gets further away.

If my words offend any readers, my apologies in my bid to be truthful and honest as I can.

It has gotten me in trouble or been called pornographic. (there was a time I had three women editors overseeing my columns)

The frank topics are changing dating patterns of men and women is part of the problem another was monetary gift from Catholic Charities their rule: No discussing anything on birth control.

Well dating sometimes ends with pregnancies, abortion,or ways women are no able to prevent birth.

I wrote of other topics instead.

Yes,I’m a Mid Boomer child,born 1954(9) years after the end of World War II (10) prior the last of the boomer crop were born.

In the middle of the great B migration swept up, cursed ‘n praised for that generation did in their lives while living, discovering,changing,and dying in the world.

Other than that I, like everyone on this globe look for my niche.

Taking care of myself with Omega 3 fish oil, multivitamins,nutrients, trace elements,exercise to improve any chance living longer healthier life.

Life has been thorns, thickets, and bushes. Yes, complained until ya’ find others who survived worse things than I could ever imagine.

No soldiering,police, only temporary security guard C.N.A./H.H.H. [Certified Nurse Assistant – Home Health Aide]. Construction, lots of side jobs along the way.

Some times we try stuff out before knowing what they want.

Its like kissing frogs (guys/girls) a pointed analogy about finding princes among frogs most women do not find them and these days those that do, let them go looking bad boys/men or girls/women.

My straight orientation on that score I thank my mother,two father’s both given name and step father, and father figures on the blocks of New York City, also to girls some mature beyond their years and women who’ve gave mental/ physical ego boosts good and bad.

Recently I’ve gone through a training again for work I’ve avoided for many years however this type of work helps me in endeavors that may finally get me to my niche wanted.

Educationally speaking school was fun except for testosterone fueled competitive drive.

The fights and injuries that only now can be taken care of.

Love, more difficult than sex in that the physical is easy once two bodies in motion they tend to stay in motion (Hold Up! Isn’t that Brownien physics? oh, well most folks know what its means if not read on) bodies with enough energy, stamina for enjoyment of it.

Sex changed me isn’t it suppose to change everyone? (I feel sorry for those who walk the planet not learning anything from their travels,what sort of life is that?)

Humor helped me more than money,cars, or materials.

Its why my clothes comes off,light on/off,doors locked,lotions,food,are near be relaxed taking slow time enjoying these moments with sacred feminine which I had no idea at
the time but its always seemed like that to me.

A friend said I’m intense didn’t know what she meant ‘til recently.

Don’t know how 5 to 30 minutes or less can satisfy a women’s complex body and mind so I take time they’re happy I’m happy,they’re not I’m not.

Times change,looked at pornographic films in movies with and without girlfriends always better with than alone.

[For an unvarnished, unedited version of this column go to].

Yes, my mug is there photo taken maybe as a joke I believe or her part.

Our brains,biggest sexual organ its has been said.

Bad times,good times, dull,or mundane doesn’t matter life,friends,love, travel,

I need ‘em all.

I'll be a work on my B-day later at some party,that's what I like balance.

I’m hopeful my life will go on a little longer continuing to enjoy its fruits.
