Lives, Choices, Remade.

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Well, another year arrives.

Soon, my birthday nears.

Don't feel old/young but good.

I am alive and life for me is?

by Joseph Bolden

Life’s Pit Falls And Promise,

Recently I emailed a dear friend not seen in months a few words Live Long,Be Happy,Gain Knowledge, Know Wisdom.

Not profound really its just that people aren’t really living for themselves.

I sure wasn't,since my birthday will be here shortly I've pondered a little.

Yes there’s work, small businesses,or multi national corporate structures,family groups, or even the first shy steps of two people [chose sexual orientation folks].

But most of us are not living our lives to their full potential or as the late Raymond Massy said in the 1936 film "Things To Come"From H.G,Wells 1933’s–The Shape Of Things To Come Science Fiction Classic.

Don’t know which character the great actor Raymond Massy played John or Oswald Cabal but one of them spoke of living life to "Its or "The Best Effect."

That they eliminated war because if needlessly maimed and killed people."

That wasn’t living life to Its Best Effect.

We still have people who if they’ve not been in war.

Want war to prove their own mettle using, spending innocent peoples lives, wasting our best resource Human lives!

In places other folks need to work out their own issues without numerous parties horning in.

Thing is I know my own false starts,ducking, avoiding has taken years until recently to finally do what I always wanted but self loathing and fear kept me away from.

Just sent a shout out to a friend because I too will be moving in other directions testing, surprising, myself in ways not thought of before.

I’ve gone through a few psychological changes I cannot even see yet (it isn’t going political) still apolitical however more grabs at life, collecting thoughts,seeing what I went through was minor to what so many folks have lived to survive through.

Let go of certain heart felt,soulful feelings freeing the self of past losses making room for current gains.

Don’t know where all this leads but it’s a better place to feel more lively.

It like living in thick fog which blocked the brightness of opportunity.

Now,a searing brilliance has cut through this fog and I can never let it cover me inside again.

Difficult explaining any of this if it hasn’t been experienced unless its an ongoing peak experience of illuminated insight permanently burned onto my psychic retina!

A great and good friend may not see me after a while because it may become years long a-questing I’ll be going.

I’ll not be the same either.

Its been difficult (so have I) but one lives, learns,discovers,cast aside certain truisms knowing that some astounding revelations arrive too late or early to have been known.

Such is life and the living of it.

Time to live life to Its Best Effect.
