The Spanish Inquisition, Again?

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Didn't Religious Minded Folk
learn the lessons of the Inquisition?

Are we going through this crap again?

Let knowledge flow,not lost out fear
and ignorance by Religious Zealots.

by Joseph Bolden

Spanish Inquisition, Again?

Remember Monty Python Flying Circus skits about the Spanish Inquisition?

Their doing their bits and at some point out of nowhere dramatic music then dressed in historic costumes they announce "No One Ever Expects The Spanish Inquisition."

KQED’s 4pt. Show on The Spanish Inquisition is a testament to how much vice there is in so called redemption.

When one’s beliefs are so narrow minded that nothing penetrates.

from the suffering of separated families, jealousy,and death plus plundering of coveted lands by greed using religious fever as contest to confiscate valuable lands.

All for the sake of saving souls.

Recently The Honorable Reverend Jerry Falwell died May 15, 2007.

I won’t dwell on his legacy that’s for greater minds to phantom.

What I’ll say as a Roman Catholic raised in the religion is because of him and others Ronald Reagan was elected President and Reagan placed a ten year moratorium on Biotechnology.

Another current Born Again Christian slows the science of Therapeutic Stem Cell science because of his personal belief system it’s the same with his (Yes, His) Middle East War.

The guy doesn’t bend, reflect,or expand his thinking process about what damage he and his cronies continue to do.

What I’m getting at truth is already a casualty of this war and ideas to use diplomatic means is seen as a sign of weakness.

What the Spanish Inquisition and today’s Fundamentalist stranglehold on Government has is the cutting off of dialog, questions,ideas,and that is what lead Europe into The Dark Ages of an Church Control.

One must remember all the horny priests,nuns, women,and men,in those time when being monk,brother, nun, or of any holy order literally conferred the power of life and death over individuals.

Though the morals of priest’s are questioned lightly it was no contest Jews,Islam, Buddhist,and other religions were seen as less than or no religion at all and people’s of those faiths as others were routinely tortured,burned, at the stake even if one finally confessed to whatever they were accused of most were still killed to cleansed their souls.

Women, especially because of the awesome power of giving birth were constantly seen as an evil, wicked,profane presence.

Being either strikingly pretty, beautiful,and or having full figures is a near death sentence for those refusing to lay with monks, priests,or high ranked officials.

Those that did some still paid with torture and or their lives because of guilt some of those higher ups had.

Imagine beautiful women, devastatingly handsome men because of lust of mainly men or a few wealthy had to pay others projected lusts.

Not too far removed from Slave days when blaming the victims for seemingly animalistic qualities when master or mistress forced their desire on a people condemned to labor and bred to continue enforced labor.

When they are forced to reproduce,from strangers to incest unknown to those separated from birth on the whim of masters then blamed for the condition was always the hidden hypocrisy of that peculiar institution who’s legacy follows this nation to this day.

Now most if not all of us understand the separation of Church and State so leader such as one we have now cannot tie religious belief to politics or make policy from it.

See what has happened the religious right wants one way of thinking, living, as long as it their way there is no problem.

The country is secular not a monastic monastery of religious rules.

It may have worked for Middle East in their history but its not ours it also means we don’t invade nations under flags of truce,protection and in the guise depopulate them in the guise of freedom and democracy.

It’s a mockery of America stands for.

I don’t trust church, state,governments, municipalities,and few people all have erred as I have sometimes but that does not mean one cannot learn and do better from lessons learned.

Didn’t the world learn anything from The Spanish Inquisition?

Are really heading from gray,to dark yet again brought on by a new set of Inquisitors?

Lets not repeat His/Herstory and keep all of us free of religious intolerance.

The only people who know how to defeat the Evangelical Religious Right or so Moral Majority are the religious folk knowing psychologically devastating religious dogma can be if not stopped,turned around and countered with the truth and not use for gaining political power and changing laws into repressive dogmatic codes.

That’s my opinon.

Guess I’ll go in church and pray on it.
