Wash Folks Flipped?

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A person does a job
improving lives,laws.

Cowards,guy(s)pulls woman's braids in public!

Any wonder why women laugh mashing men's balls?

Men who act like vicious kids...

Deserve painfull Kick-To-The-Nuts!

by Joseph Bolden

Have You Wash Folks Flipped?

Yes,it’s a question,I thought being a so called Republic,capitol of Democracy this stuff didn’t happen anymore as with other cities.

Washington still has bugs in its system like everyone else’s.

Let me explain,a friend of mine recently moved there learning,works, earning,getting housed,and networking.

Though we never see eye to eye and anything political she being a political savant,me using my sense history,of lifes lessons rarely came to the same conclusions though socially there is no one I would trust if my life too more than she.

Today,on Myspace (yes,old guy me on myspace.com)

She took a web photo of me as a joke when I visited her place my own pc is still not working thanks to me unable to pay the phone bill for months now years at a time.

Anyway,I read her bulletin (public myspace communiqué’) to those on its site for various ads, promotions,movie/tv premieres,tickets, bookings,to artist’s their shows or personal appearance’s,and economic opportunities,also it’s a gathering of like minded souls(excluding myself) for get-togethers social and/or personal reasons.

Used it as date site reminds me change profile excluding 18-25 years olds
30-40+ for me-mature women's energies more dynamic most younger ladied too delicate at least in my experience.

I can say I met one person through this though at the we both has prior appointments preventing us from seeing each other socially.

Let's get to the awful incidents happening to my friend in Washington,D.C. so called seat of democracy.

It’s a long bulletin so I’ll try to get to its gist by Mari.

Date: May

9,20077:40 AM.

Which is 10:40AM in San Francisco (3 hrs. behind for me forward for her.

(In her own words on a myspace bulletin)

Oh,Myspace users are 80’s-90’s folk use phonetically sounding out words,making up,or creating new ones so bare with me.

Subject "Redbone", "Redskin", "Pochantas", "Chiefin"

SO since I been here in the DC metro area, I have heard some

words str8 up overt overt overt racial slurs agianst Native f

folks that are so commonly accepted to say around the first

one of course is "Redskins", cuz of that stupid foot ball team

(which makes me hate professional football even more)

then I heard "chiefin" which was told to me is someone

smoking weed,and when I point out that the word Chief is in I

it,everyone is like oh yeah... like the light turns on or


People have called me Pochantas when I walked down the

street,and even have yanked my braids to the point where my

head goes back (it was men who have done this)... I have been

called Pochantas many times before,esp in the bay area

growing up... but have never had my hair pulled back in a

sexualized way while it was said...

Then the other day someone was breaking down DC slang to

me,and they said I would be called a "Redbone". I have never

heard of this word ever before,but my heart cringed and I got

upset. I was like why would someone call me that? I was

pointed out that it had nothing to do with my Native ancestry

but my light skin... I knew this was probulay a messed up word

for mixed race folks like the word "mulatto". so I wikipedia

it... here is what is says... and it is messed up! I do not have an

"unknown" ancestry! I dont know how to deal with all the very

overt racism that is so commonly accepted, sometimes I feel

like I am in old school days... Its not just white folks either, its

all folks! Actually many Raza folks defend these words... esp

since many see themselves without any native roots, since

many call themselves "Spanish" or "Hispanic", which both

honor the Spanish (AKA colonizer) but stay clear of have any drop of Native ancestry.

Yeah,DC is very hard when it comes to this... I mean I have to

agrue about why saying these things are wrong... its very

draining... esp if I speak about the word "Redskins" I mean

people try to dress like stereotypes of NAtive folks on those

games days and think its ok...

ANy advice peoples? I am going crazy here...

Redbone (ethnicity)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Redbones, are a mixed blood group of people of unknown

ancestry. Often times light skinned,African Americans are

referred to as redbones, particularly,females. Many of these

people may in fact have some of the ethnicities mentioned

below, but due to it being much diluted refer to themselves as

Black or African American. The multi-ethnic Redbone group

below are not part of the African American community.

Possible Roots

The ancestry is said to consist of a combination of two or

more of the following ethnicities; Northern European,

Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, South Asian, Native American

and African ancestry of various degrees and mixtures. The

origin of this group is probably from Southern states,where many minorities freely mixed.

The Native American tribes in these groups may include the

Choctaw,Creek, Chickasaw,Coushatta, Cheraw,Tuscarora,

Nansemond and members of the Powhatan Confederation.


Redbones often have these surnames;Ashworth,



















There's no Pt.II.

I already had my say publicly on the matter replying to myspace bulletin.

for Mari who's politically,socially savy to fight this using media of radio and or tv.

My column may do little to help but...

I want her knowing how incensed I am at her treatment.

Years ago,don’t know how long we're walking up Market Street in San Francisco near my residence I hear"Bitch"by a guy just ahead of Mari and behind me.

I am a quiet person, rather run than fight out of conflict.

Though my martial arts is rusty a quick side fist to head or throat can stun anyeone for a few minutes.

I felt quick rage with- in me for this loud slight to my friend.

I heard it she may have too.

Quick,I asked the guy

"What did you say, apologize!

The brother looks at me and the Mari saying

"S-sorry,I didn’t mean her,talkin’to myself."

I’m still,pissed,hot- ready.

Mari says "Joe,saw my face,the guy,instantly gets it walks us faster past my place.
"Never seen you like that."(unless angry at something else).

Surprised me too,guess some of the New Yorker in me and mama's and Catholic training of respect for women.

My advise for her was travel with friends.

I know most of D.C. are full of dedicated,devoted, intelligent,and

emotionally balance folk.

But somewhere there are others who are making our capitol

look F'd up.

you must find these idiotic dullards

and not take this crap from 'em.

If ever a stupid guy does attempt it again.

She is within her rights to

punch,hit,use heels-on-foot or

the most

painful grab a handful of groin,pull hard,punch,knee,or

otherwise aim a kick to their scrotum.

In her defense.


He gets personal.

You get personal.

Even though its awful

to do all women have the

right to

protect themselves from imminent harm.

And not because its

good for a laugh.

Mari can because she is fear of bodily harm.

[She Has Already Been Harmed!]

She’s not in Washington now.

I hope she brushes up or takes more defense courses in light of

this incidence.

If Mari moves away from Washington.

It is Washington that has loses more than a good solid worker in equal justice for all.

This is how nations
getbrain drained because of the

stupidty of some of its so called civilized citizens!

A great human being of honor,ability,strength of character and is a poorer nation because

of such insensitive, inane,stupid childishness of these so called men?

The whole of

Washington’s other men and women should find these men and have

them publicly shamed for their act of cowardice and warped stupidity

because it can lead to worse things.

I dislike thinking what my resolve would be if anything else happened to her its bad enough at what has already occured.

What have you Got to Say People of Washington?

Guys,Fathers,Son's,Brothers or relatives in/of Washington Area.

What would you do if this happened to your Mother,daughter,sister,GF, or relative(s)employer/ee you know and and respect?

Any comments go to Ask/

Tell Joe at

Poormagazine.org or send views to Myspace.com.
