Voces en Resistencia

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Inmigrante Scholars from the Voces de Inmigrantes en Resistencia clase of POOR Magazine file reports on the May 1st march.

Inmigrante Scholars from the Voces de Inmigrantes en Resistencia clase of POOR Magazine file reports on the May 1st march.


by Staff Writer

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Angela Peña, Reportera Prensa POBRE

“Si se puede” gritaba la gente. Todas las personas inmigrantes respondieron al llamado de marcha del 1o de mayo.

La concentracion de mas de 5.000 personas empeso en el Parque Dolores a las 12 de la tarde. Todos estabamos en “La Gran Marcha” en honor a los derechos de los inmigrantes y trabajadores pobres, tanto locales como globales.

La gente se concentraba en el parque mientras otros se unian a la marcha desde las calles.

Era una multitud de gente que caminaba de forma ordenada por las calles con una sola idea en mente: que se escucharan nuestras demandas, que no solo son justas pero son el derecho que toda persona que vive y respira.

“Lo unico que demandamos es el respeto de todos para que podamos trabajar tranquilamente para sostener a nuestra familia”, gritaba la gente. Yo se que fueron escuchados.

Teresa Molina, Reportera de Prensa POBRE

“Estoy aqui por que mis padres son inmigrantes y los estoy apoyando”, declaro Miguel Rosas mientras se encontraba en un mar de gente y organizaciones en la “Gran Marcha” en honor de trabajadores/ras inmigrantes y para la admistia general.

La gente estaba presente. Las organizaciones que estaban presentes eran Mujeres Unidas y Activas, Collectiva de Mujeres, Programa de Jornaleros, Prensa POBRE, Vivienda San Pedro, Power, Carecen y el Centro Comunitario Filipino. Todos demonstramos nuesto descontento de varias formas. Cantamos, gritamos, teniamos pancartas que demostraban que estamos contra los ataques hacia nuestra comunidad, no oponemos a las redadas, y estamos encontra de la separacion de nuestras familias.

La mañana era clara y fresca; escuchabamos los zumbidos del aire y sentiamos lo fresco como si estubieramos enfrente de las olas del mar.

“Estamos aqui protestando y demostrando nuestro descontento por que estamos cansados de tantos ataques contra la gente pobre y trabajadora y estamos cansados de las redadas”, dijo Renee Saucedo de La Raza Centro Legal.

Cuando llegue a casa escuche sobre los ataques de balazos de goma que sufrio mi gente en Los Angeles. Me puse triste. Pienso que nos atacan para darnos miedo, para que paremos de reclamar nuestros derechos.

Gloria, Reportera Prensa POBRE

“No a la separacion de familias” decia un enorme rotulo impulsado por Patricia Morales, miembra de POWER, ama de casa, estudiante y trabajadora mientras se encontraba entre miles de personas que se habian reunido en el Parque Dolores para celebrar el Dia Internacional del Trabajador/a. Patricia estaba orgullosa de su creacion y con la conciencia muy en alto cargaba la manta que vitoreaba las cosigna junto con las demas miembras de la organizacion.

Es recomfortante observar como poco a poco la comunidad trabajadora va tomando conciencia de su fuerza al organizarse por sus derechos. Tanto esta mujer que es representativa de la fuerza que viene surgiendo en las mujeres latinas que trabajan tanto en sus hogares como fuera de ellos.

En esta marcha del mayo 1,del 2007 tuvo menos contingentes pero las personas mostraban en sus rostros y en sus voces mucha disposicion de lucha. Hubo un grupo numeroso de jovenes de todos colores y culturas que cantaban y bailaban al mismo tiempo y asi nos mostraban que no son ajenos a lo su comunidad que ha estado sufriendo, desde hace muchos años, el razismo, la deshigualdad, y la injustica en los empleos. Estos jovenes portaban una pancarta que decia “Irak no abrio sus fronteras y sin embargo fueron inbadidos por nuestro ejercito y ellos tambien nos llaman delincuentes”. Otro cartelon decia “nosotros estamos aqui pero antes ustedes nos invadieron alla”

Era importante que se sepa que todos los que estabamos alli marchando tuvimos que sacrificar una vez mas nuestro trabajo, nuestra economia, y nuestro valiosisimo tiempo para seguir con nuestra lucha.

Angela Pena/Reportera Prensa POBRE

"Si se puede", yelled the people. All the immigrant people answered to the call to march on May 1st.

The concentration of over 5,000 people began in Dolores Park at 12pm. We were all there at The great march in honor of the rights of immigrants, and poor workers locally and globally people .

The people were concentrated in the park while many others joined when the march took to the streets.

So many people walked in an orderly fashion through the streets with one unifying thought: to have our demands be heard, which not only are just but are the rights of every person who lives and breathes.

All we want is respect from everyone so that we can work in peace and earn the survival of our families, the people shouted. I know were heard.

Teresa Molina- Reportera/ Prensa POBRE

I am here because my parents are immigrants and I am supporting them, Miguel Rosas declared while standing in a sea of people and organizations present at the Marcha in honor of Inmigrante workers and for amnesty for all.

The people were present. The organizations that were present are Mujeres Unidas y Activas, Collectiva de Mujeres, Day Labor Program, POOR Magazine, Vivienda San Pedro, Power, Carecen, Filipino Community Center. We all showed our dissatisfaction in various ways. We sung, we chanted, we held signs demonstrating that we are against the attacks on our communities, we are against the raids, against the separation of our families.

The morning was clear and fresh; we could hear the humming of the air as if we were in front of ocean waves. We could feel the cold of the ocean waves

“We are here protesting and demonstrating our discontent because we are tired of so many attacks towards poor working people and we are tired of the raids.”, said Renee Saucedo from La Raza Centro Legal

When I arrived home I heard about the attacks on my people in Los Angeles with rubber bullets. I was very sad. I think they attacked us like that to give us fear so that we can stop reclaiming our rights.

Gloria Molina/Reportera Prensa POBRE

“No Separation of Families” said an enormous sign held by Patricia Morales, member of POWER, stay at home mom, student and worker as she stood among the thousands of people gathered in Delores Park to celebrate International Workers Day. Proud of her creation and with a high sense of consciousness, she carried and waved the sign along side other members of the organization.

It is comforting to note how the working-class community is taking up consciousness and strength to organize for its own rights. Just as this woman is representative of the strength that is surging in Latina Women that work just as much in their homes as they do outside of them.

In this march of May 1st, 2007, there were less contingencies but almost all the people showed through their faces and through their voices showed a feeling of resistance. There was a significant presence of youth of all colors and cultures chanting and singing demonstrating that they are not isolated from their community that has suffered racism, inequalities and labor wages injustices for years. The youth carried a sign that read “Iraq did not open its border but were still invaded by our military and they also call us criminals”. Another said, “We are here but you invaded us there”.

It was important just to know that everyone of us who was there had to sacrifice one more time, our job, our economy and our precious time, and this and more was our resistance.
