Good Dead Days Pt. 1

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Folks think back to so called
good old days.

When life began to quicken a bit.

Is our breakneck advancement worth it?

by Joseph Bolden

The Good Old Quickly Dead Days Pt.

September 11th another infamous day adds to our expanding lists of really bad days to live through.
That day will dwell burned into adults as its already affects children will affect generations taught these horrific lessons
as generations before learned about World Wars I and II,Korea War-Conflict,Viet Nam and our latest Middle East - Desert Storm/Shield battles..

It kind of makes me feel a longing for the good old quickly dead days. You know those days when we American’s thought of
ourselves as the greatest experiment of mixed blood minus a few African Americans, Pacific Asiatic, South Border, or

Brazilian folks.
Food eaten were = eggs, bacon, sausages, red meat butter, and gravy with no worries on our future health.

Remember when history was simple without her-story and other people’s stories messing up the pure story of Manifest Destiny of America?

But reality shakes her ass pointing glistening perfectly polished fingers at telling us truth will out, unjust laws must-will
change, and everyone’s living reality is equally valid without destroying the frayed original work which is now a
weave many discordant colors, threads, and patches.

Now our stories are many not only one dominant theme but of many in miniature ones buried under
the dominant culture for decades unseen, forced joined but not celebrated by said culture.
The dams have broken, tears shed from its holding back too long.

End Of Part 1.
