Crisis Pt. 2

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After the New York trip is done.

Having a month of freedom.

Its G.A.,a last lucky holiday before
returing to the City.

Life does not suck as long as one

is living it; its all good.

by Joseph Bolden

Crisis, G. A. And Truth Pt. 2
My one regret is that not once did I ever get to eat a Knish or drink an Orange Julius [light breaded baked potato of Jewish creation]. The other also New York City treat [Orang Julius: made with oranges, protein power with strawberries, an egg or honey mixed in].
Not once did I in during the whole time did I ever get a taste or even a whiff of them.
It made me so homesick and made that I vow to be a better at cooking so I can make my own treats by scratch whenever I wanted not dependant on vendor or store bought items.

Ok, a few days have passed, skipped out of town before labor day travel crunch.

That is signed up for G. A. again before taking a bart train for a family get together.
Blood bled news, sweet 16 parties, a famous, wacky, Conservationist Australian guy killed by a stingray, and the ‘Prez on television giving his low down on our eminent destruction of our way of life if certain factions in the Middle East have their way.

It sounds like scare tactics. Linking Lenin With Hitler shows the guy is mixing worker rights and communism with Hitler’s Mein Kampf [A blue print of Xenophobic Jewish Extermination].

When his revolution topples Russia’s ruling class but went into another tangent ending with Joseph, Stalin, a deadly, suspicious, smart, and cunning, leader who before, during, and after the second world war turns his country into a fearful land of death for decades before he dies in 1953.

It was creepy the way he says World War III as if that’s his job to "Bring It On." Anyway I enjoyed a safe space with one of my relatives sleeping most of the two days away until I had to take my butt back to the city.
And with that it’s the end of Crisis, G. A.

Gotta go folks and… I don’t know what to do next.
