Crisis, G.A. And Truth. Pt.1

Original Author
Original Body

Family hassles, money.

New York revisited...

Again,missing Knish's and
Orange Julius.

by Joseph Bolden

Family Crisis Pt. 1

Between weather induced ills, sudden demise of a former employer, and family crisis overseas…

My brain didn’t run on all it neurons.


this while finally finding a place to work maybe having if not a career at least steady income incase returning to school became an option again.

How events unfolded, unraveled, and reconnected again in a few weeks time.

My brother in Chicago calls Mama, she calls me.

Its about a well liked and loved aunt in the hospital with serious health issues.

My first words {I" don’t want to go, my life is here ,I’m working, volunteering and…"}

Doesn’t matter family is family and after talking to G.A,[General Assistance] worker and work assignment manager but not in the correct order I’m off to the city of my birth, New York."

It seems my brother while in New York had observed heard disturbing utterances from other family members that didn’t sound like worry from them but greed!

My Aunt (I’ll call Rhoda) had worked in a New York’s City Hospital many years and though she at one time lived near or on the property had saved, placed, in a bank, and other places sums of money that had gathered hefty interest over the decades.

My family, that being mama, young brother, and myself had moved to Oakland, California before the 1970’s began.

Before that Mama had married Aunt Rhoda’s brother.

There were family visits, and when older I believe may have visited but don’t remember much.

Family problems, soon Mama, instead of moving across the street, around the corner moved us all to California.

Years pass and we did go back two times.

So, ticket are bought, a plane flew with no mishaps and for two weeks we go to a residential hospital nearing the end of extensive remodeling.

Aunt Rhoda, in a wheelchair with tubes in her veins.

If it wasn’t for the old black horn rimmed glasses I wouldn’t have not recognized her.

Mostly black with streaks of gray hair, I remember her as slim just starting to gain weight.

She wanted to know if she needed a lawyer?
Solomon, my brother, mama, and I agreed she needed one to after financial and legal representation.

After what mama and my brother told me about our families problems it dawns why mama left to rebuild her life and ours in California.

She wasn’t staying to be executor of Aunt Rhoda’s Estate and myself being the oldest son and struggling with Welfare, Work fare, and G. A. over the years didn’t think I’m

qualified to be executor, or run the finances of my Aunt , I want her to
be out of her wheelchair, at home retired running her own financial affairs.

My mother and I in quiet car loving Long Island where roads were dirt and grass turning

dangerous wet or dry because the two narrow two lane roads weren’t brightly lit at night which causes more danger to pedestrians. End of

Crisis of Part I.
