Trabajadores migratorios son arrestados por ICE en taquerias en ciudades al rededor de la bahia.
They appeared out of nowhere and pointed their guns at us. Migrant Raza workers are arrested by ICE at taquerias across the Bay Area.
Trabajadores migratorios son arrestados por ICE en taquerias en ciudades al rededor de la bahia.
They appeared out of nowhere and pointed their guns at us. Migrant Raza workers are arrested by ICE at taquerias across the Bay Area.
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by Angela Pena, Gloria Esteva, Teresa Molina, Patricia/ Voces de Immigrantes en Resistencia For English, scroll down Uno de los ejemplos mas brutales de los recientes I.C.E. ataques contra migrantes son las redadas de inmigracion que han ocurrido en la cadena de tacquerias populares, El Balazo. En el dia viernes, segundo de Mayo 2008, ICE conducto una redada inmensa en once restaurantes de El Balazo en la ciudad de San Francisco y algunas ciudades en la bahia del este. Los agentes de ICE entraron a los restaurantes, y actuaron como que iban a tener almuerzo cuando de repente llamaron a otros agentes para que entreran al restaurante, bloquiaron las salidas, y empezaron a interrogar a los patrones y empliados del restaurante, violentamente buscando por sus documentos en sus bolsas. 63 empleados fueron detenidos ese dia sin los agentes explicandoles sus derechos, la razon porque los estaban deteniendo, o por cuanto tiempo iban a estar encarcelados. Una mujer joven que fue detenida por los agentes de ICE, se nego a dar su nombre, pero dio este testimonio. "Ellos aparecieron derepente, apuntaron sus armas a nosotros, y nos amenazaron. Entonces, ellos nos ordenaron a entrar sus carros, violentamente busquaron documentos de identificacion en nuestros cuerpos y nuestras bolsas. Yo estaba aterrorizado. Luego nos hecharon en diferentes coches y no nos dijieron para donde ibamos. La barrera del idioma que se presenta entre los agentes de ICE y los trabajadores detenidos, crea un tipo especifico de abuso en cual los agentes de ICE se aprovechan. Los agentes gritan a sus victimas en ingles abusivamente, sabiendo bien que los detenidas no entienden el idioma. Todo el raite hasta las celdas, los agentes se estaban riendo y burlando de mi, diciendo que la unica cosa que los latinos son buenos es para hacer burritos. Finalmente llegamos a 630 Samson donde me arrojaron en una celda. Tomaron demaciadas photografias de mi. Mandaron a un interprete que grito para presionarme a hablar, me decian que tenia que responder sin informarme que tenia el derecho a permanecer en silencio o mi derecho a hablar con un abogado. Gritandome abusidamente, querian asustarme para firmar algunos documentos que yo no sabia lo que significaban. Creo que los documentos eran algo acerca de mi ser ilegal. Decidi solo firmar documentos que yo entendi que decian que un juez podria supervisar mi caso. Ellos me deteniern por ocho horas en las que solo me dieron un sandwich y una pequena botella de agua. Antes de que me liberaron, me pusieron un grillete electronico en mi tobio. " Agentes de ICE tormentan nuestros lugares de negocios y propiedades privadas como si tubieran ordenes de corte para asaltar edificios llenos de delincuentes. Este es un completo abuso de poder. Los trabajadores inocentes son intimidados por los agentes y sus armas y corren, igual que cualquier persona haria. En los casos de el balazo, los clientes y los empleados corrieron a las salidas, pero ya era demasiado tarde, agentes de ICE habian rodeado el local y estaban esperando a todas las posibles salidas con aarmas apuntadas preparados para arrestar estas personas inocentes. Las redadas de inmigracion estan aterrorizando a toda nuestra comunidad migrante raza. No solo afectan los individuales que detienen, afectan las familias de esta gente que es depedasada atra vez de las deportaciones. Las vicitmas inocentes que fueron injustamente detenidos, estan sujetos a grandes cantidades de estres a causa de estos actos de brutalidad. Agentes estan tratando a la gente de nuestra comunidad como animales. Cuando la joven termino contando su historia, queria enviar un mensaje a su comunidad Raza. "No olviden las recomendaciones y advertencias que organizaciones como POOR nos dan en sus folletos de derechos civiles para nuestra comunidad migratoria raza. Usted podria quedar atrapada en una situacion en la que necesitaria saber sus derechos." Como parte de la campaña de educación pública de derechos de inmigrantes No Corra / Don 't Run, el programa Voces de Inmigrantes en Resistencia patricionado por POOR magazine está publicando una serie de artículos para dar a luz a las atrocidades que se estan cometiendo contra los Comunidad Raza Migratoria en el Área de la Bahía. Estas redadas de I.C.E (Inmigración y Aduanas) son un ejemplo de los constantes intentos de destruir nuestra comunidad. Es muy importante que nos involucremos para apoyar y empoderar a esta comunidad. Si usted está interesado en apoyar a las víctimas de estos ataques injustos de Inmigración, aquí esta un enlace a información sobre la parillada para recaudar fondos para los trabajadores de El Balazo . Todas las donaciones iran directamente a las víctimas de las redadas de El Balazo y sus familias. In English One of the most brutal examples of the recent I.C.E. attacks on migrant folks are the immigration raids that have happened at the popular chain of El Balazo tacquerias across the Bay Area. On Friday, May 2 2008, ICE conducted a mass raid in several El Balazo taquerias in San Francisco and other Bay Area cities. ICE agents entered the restaurants and acted as if they were just ordinary customers there for lunch when suddenly they signaled to other agents to enter the restaurant, surround all possible exits, and aggressively interrogated not only the employees, but customers as well. Sixty-three employees were detained that day without the ICE agents ever explaining to them their rights, the reason they were being detained, or for how long they would be detained. A young woman who was arrested by ICE, refused to give her name but gave this testimony. "They appeared out of nowhere, pointed their guns at us, and threatened us. Then, they ordered us to get inside the car, violently searched our bodies and snatched our bags away from us to get our identifications. By this time I was terrified. They then threw us into different cars and didn't tell us where we were going. The entire ride to the holding cells they were laughing and making fun of me saying that all we were good for was making burritos. We finally arrived at 630 Samson where they threw me in a cell. They took a lot of pictures of me. The interpreter pressured me into talking by yelling at me, telling me that I had to respond without telling me that I have the right to remain silent or my right to talk to an attorney. By yelling at me angrily, they wanted to scare me into signing some papers that I did not understand. I think the papers mentioned something about me being illegal. I decided only to sign papers that said that a judge could oversee my case. They detained me for eight hours in which they only gave me a sandwich and a small bottle of water. Before I was released, they attached an electronic tracking device to my ankle." Immigration agents storm places of business and private property as if they are raiding a building full of criminals. Innocent, unsuspecting migrant workers get paranoid and run, just like anyone would. In the cases of the Balazo taquerias, restaurant customers and employees sprinted to the rear exits but it was too late, ICE agents had surrounded the premises and were waiting at all possible exits with guns drawn to arrest these innocent people ICE agents are terrorizing the entire migrant Raza community. The innocent workers that they arrest are being subjected to massive amounts of stress because of these acts of brutality. Agents are treating arrestees like animals. The language barrier creates a specific kind of abuse that ICE agents take advantage of. ICE agents have reportedly aimed their guns at the faces of their victims while yelling at them in English knowing that their victims don't understand what they are saying thus creating a heightened state of panic. Agents then violently grab the belongings of their victims, be it purse, bags, or wallets, as if they were mugging them. Once agents have some kind of identification of the detained workers, they slap cuffs on their wrists, throw them in different cars, and make fun of these poor, innocent people all the way to 630 Sansom street where arrestees are detained in cells without being read their Miranda rights, and without being told what they did wrong. The scare tactics of ICE also unlawfully force detainees to sign papers that they don't understand. Agents yelled at the workers and threatened them with jail time in an attempt to get them to sign voluntary deportation papers. The detainees pleaded that they needed a lawyer present to explain what was going on, the agents laughed and told them that they would have access to a lawyer after they signed the paper. These innocent people were detained for up to eight hours, in which they were only given a sandwich and a small bottle of water to supplement their bodies. It is for certain that when these people are finally released they will be emotionally scarred forever. Never would they forget that day that they were accosted and trapped like animals and stripped of their dignity. For each one of these victims there lies a tangible reminder of this horrific event strapped to their ankle in the form of an electronic tracking device. When the young woman finished recapping her story, she wanted to send a message to her Raza community. "Don't take for granted the recommendations and warnings that organizations give us about informing ourselves on our rights. You could get caught in a situation where you need to know them." As part of the No Correr/Don't Run Immigrant Rights Public Education Campaign, the Voces de Inmigrantes en Resistencia program at POOR magazine is publishing a series of articles giving light to the atrocities being committed against the Migrant Raza Community in the Bay Area. These I.C.E raids are an example of the constant attempts to destroy our community. It is imperative that we come together to support and empower Migrant Raza Folk. If you are interested in supporting the victims of these unjust Immigration attacks, here is a link to info on the El Balazo Fundraising BBQ. All donations will go directly to the victims of the El Balazo raids and their families. |