Mortality Malaise

Original Author
Original Body

Aches,pains,the norm.

Given a health warning...

what do you do?

Especially if $$$$ is an obstacle?

Improvise,be creative,get healtiher.

by Joseph Bolden

Mortality Malaise

I’ve read in a book somewhere that people in the time of the Roman Empire lived to be 25, living to 40 or 50 was considered ancient.

Most of us honor the supreme sacrifice women and men have made then as now when war is waged.

Few of the men and women in these conflicts are given time to contemplate their lives were suddenly taken away.

Its it any wonder survivors of World War II took every opportunity to live the way they wished mostly quiet,unassuming, lives.

Marrying,using the G.I. Bill to buy homes and or have a better education
We weren’t called the Baby Boom Generation for nothing!

Before leaving the city for Memorial Day weekend I received test of my medical results.

Cold shower,system shock,finally the sober reality of one’s mortality from a dietician.

Though never a raucous, loud person I’ve had a share waking up in beds not my own panicking because I was not in the city.

Drinking,smoking,drugs, pills,even sex,
being a late bloomer may have saved me from tragic consequences of the AIDS epidemic of the early 1980’s witch continues its devastating affects even now.

Food from meat,cakes, deep dish apple pies topped with American cheese and all manner grease delights.

For years since turning 45 I tried to be less pig and more gym rat but circumstances of money and time hampered me.

That is until I met a few people living a different,purposeful lifestyle.

Very slowly over time saw benefits and pitfalls being a vegetarian.

Between various kinds of food,types of vegie folk.

What works,didn’t there was lots of backsliding until
my decision vegetarian only.

That didn’t me my body craved meat as it likes and enjoys mingling with female flesh,sure I can live without it and have had long years without feminine touch.

I’d fight the craving as vampires sometimes fight blood-for-live-cravings.

I couldn’t give it all up completely just go with fish,chicken,and lean meats though milk, cheese, eggs, was easier to go without.

Medically,there are bad fats,sugar,and other stuff and
I must change my health before bad dietary habits take me off the planet!

As a former house-less, jobless,transient guy its is difficult to eat healthy when nearly the only foods around are full of starch, sugar,high or bad meats full of grease.

I’d like to love, live, longer,if it takes a little time to self prepare meals at home than spend in café’s or restaurants then that’s what I’ll do.

Few people are given a heads up on their mortality and how to prevent shortening their lifespans.

I’m not in a war of bombs,bullets,mortar shells,not being strafed by supersonic stealth jets.

My private war is one all of us fight unseen everyday.

I have been warned and I take this warning seriously.

For those like me who’ve been given a red flag to take better care of themselves I hope they heed it because you may not be given another stop or yield sign.
