Male Discrimination

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Yes,Men Are Being Set Apon.

We've Taken It For Years.

What Do Some Women Want?

To Keep Taking It,Cause Like.

kicks to the balls...

They Don't Really Want an= Footing.

Enough Of This Rigged Game.

by Joseph Bolden

Hidden Male Discrimination

This is just blowin’ off steam about our not so hidden discrimination.
From the cell phone-call me-gf/bf on dates to endearing one way tomboy
between time of girls and clothes.

1. Why go on dates with mobile in hand unless its used for extreme job related emergencies not merely as (ditch guy thing) its used on guys more then women and you know it Grrrls.

2. Notice how its cute for girls to be tomboys but not a girly-boy.

3. As for clothes yes women pay more but in defense they by the clothes sold by mostly male designers while men are straight jacketed into basic man-suit shirt,panes,tie,shorts, under/over shirts,and socks.

If a few men do break out its deemed sort of off.

Like Mumble’s the dancing Penguin in Happy Feet until his unique abilities save his people.

All I’m saying is all things being equal which they aren’t women have more choices than men but as men begin to balk,
as men take their blinders off, ignore the female equation, realize just as some women love saying men are no longer needed its an equal quote for men.

Sure women give birth they also can take life away.

Why are men the best chefs because most women have abdicated that post.

Suddenly we find men are great nurturer’s when given a chance.

Well,women are being all they can be but let the same be of men and women begin to freak big time.

How come men cannot where women’s clothes but women can wear men’s there is a fundamental unfairness to the sexes.

The truism I want to personally change is that of married guys living longer than single men.

Women If widowed women and single ladies enjoy being single with less hassles from men then let men be themselves.

Without pressure to marry,reproduce,let us live our lives,love whom we want as you have.

Or is it like the Marriage union of man and woman married couples feel the institution is threatened or weakened by same sex life long unions?

I believe its no longer a joke that marriage same sex couples may be a stronger bond,

really show what love means beyond the traditional concept.

This delay tactic is “FEAR OF A STRONGER UNION” of same sex than traditional.

If traditional male/fem marriage is so strong put it to a test give same sex a twenty year test legitimately see how it works in reality.

I believe traditionalists are showing their fear of change that maybe the institution needs an amendment to prop up a dying system.

For bachelors as myself the only way to beat this married men live longer statistic is to actively take charge of our lives.

If that means drinking, smoking,less,or no drugs then we do it.

It may mean not following by rote but take notes from T. Lycos or listening to Love Line.

Face it guys,women do have alternate emotive built ways of seeing men; be a mean jerk they go after you.

Be quiet,sensitive,no play from ‘em.

However a third choice is to me no woman’s doormat,be your own unique self,captain your soul,
treat women equally no favorites and have as many as you want but tell 'em no strings or commitment.

If they agree – good if not move on and if they decide to flip the scipt change the game – you move on.

Women have always had the Veto the main thing all of them are not the same. What’s that movie “Wizard” where the main character says
“One dream beats a thousand realities.”

What’s really said in any place where people gather socially you may hear 1000 ‘no’s you don’t think of them the one “yes” you hear and concentrate on the yes’s.

We men must take care of our own health women have learned that so should we.

We’re really unselfish when it comes to women wanting to please them, love them,and provide for
but they lets face it guys they are more practiced in the arts of survival than we had to be.

We use our strength, power,will to subjugate bend nature,people,to our will but that no longer applies we need to be as subtle,supple,cunning,and wily as
women have mastered the art of seeing women not as objects, trophies,or scores but as an opponent if not enemy and also drop this competition.

Why? It boosts their ego,lowers ours and until two boxers,wrestlers, or mixed sex football, baseball, basketball,soccer,bowling, golf,you name it as there’s a stigma to

“Beating a girl(s) /woman(en) men will never have a fair deal.

Question: If a man normally 4x as strong as the average woman is challenged by a woman who has been bodybuilding five or more years who will win the contest the man or woman?

Answer: If you said the man. You’d be wrong
because normally men would be stronger but against a bodybuilding woman with five plus years of training experience will win the contest.

I know because years ago that challenge was up to me by a female training me to challenge a body building woman who had two years training ahead of me.

I wouldn’t be baited and explained “She has two years experience of course she’s stronger than I am.”

I had used logic in place of emotional pride.
I believe when women challenge men sometimes its fun when they challenge us but more and more its not a game.

Many times women have trained to not only to win but to beat and humiliate also and for what to prove superiority in male dominated fields.

We should wake up,take care of ourselves and live longer with or without women who love shatter our so called fragile ego’s

Men are so resilient if we weren’t women wouldn’t still be so hot to beat us,shame us,at every turn.

The best thing to do when women go ape shit is

leave 'em alone to act out what ever is eating them and not using it as an excuse to bash men.

One more thing,women are allowed to act crazy in public.

I’ve seen it on St. Anthony’s or Glide Memorial food lines.

There talking to themselves or screaming at a mate or some stranger and they know they can get away with it.

Let any male go bonkers and he’s in a police van on his way to jail.

Why is it that we tolerate women’s psychosis, anger,loud,lewd,behavior but not men’s?

The sugar spice thing is gone women have revealed themselves to be just as vindictive,mean,nasty, sexually driven as men even it they do have more subtle ways of going about it.

That’s what I was thinking about today before leaving the city for while.

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