Our Music on the Big Screen

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Help Krip Hop publicize the latest documentaries about disabled artists all over the world.

by Leroy Moore/PNN

I found out three years ago that history is long and deep when I came across a 1943 book entitled The Black Cripple by Richard Keverne. As most of my readers and listeners know, I wrote a poem in 1992 called The Black Kripple and now use this as my radio dj name as well.

I knew when I came up with the idea of having a radio series on Hip-Hop artists with disabilities called Krip-Hop three years ago that there were many musicians with disabilities all over the world and my idea wasn't new. But what I didn’t know when I started this project was how our music (musicians with disabilities) was about to explode and become a major force nationally and internationally on alternative radio stations, in books and now on the big screen.

As a researcher\journalist in the area of race, disability and music, I'm hyped to see new crop of documentaries about musicians with disabilities who are not the Ray Charleses or Stevie Wonders of the world. This new crop of documentaries is about disabled musicians, who are in the struggle everyday. These documentaries that I'm about to mention are from all over the world from Staff Benda Bilili in the Congo (check out the interview on www.poormagazine.org) and Liyana in Zimbabwe to Heavy Load of the UK, the upcoming Half a Soulja and 4Wheel City of New York and H.U.S.H. from my hometown in CT, just name a few. These musicians cover a whole range of music from Rumba-blues. tribal-salsa, world music to Punk to Hip-Hop.

The Krip-Hop Project will have a panel at the Hip-Hop Journalism Association conference in New York in October to discuss these upcoming Hip-Hop documentaries staring real disabled Hip-Hop artists. Because of all of these new documentaries, the Krip-Hop Project is on a mission to get as much press as possible behind this amazing work through printed interviews and radio play and on websites like www.krip-hop.com, www.poormagazine.org,
www.hhja.org and more.

So please let’s get these documentaries in the public eye. If you
have a press packet, or can offer a sample of your documentary to be played on my radio show or any other radio show that I have contact with, or pictures or CDs of the sound track, please send them to me by mail or email at

Krip-Hop Project\Leroy
1370 University Ave #316
Berkeley, CA. 94702 USA

