No On 98!

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Landlords Land Grab.

Protest/Rally Oh My!

This Is A Test.

We Better Not Fail This One!

by Joseph Bolden

No Rent Control = City/State Chaos

Chaos,all things in flux, no control,it’s a messed up situation.

Today all S.R.O.’s (single resident occupancyare at a protest/rally outside on the steps of City Hall in San Francisco.

Tenants from s.r.o.’s, transitional housing from all over the city have gathered to protest Proposition 98.

Prop.98 is state wide in scope using eminent domain as a way to take living space from renter’s on low to fixed incomes.

Proposed by wealthy landlords for the dismantling of rent control for the whole state of California.

If it passes on June 3, 2008,most struggling working folks, single or families will be lose their housing through inflated high rents.

It will not stop like an updated Ellis Act Look it up of the 90’s it too will use any excuse to raise rent,demolish current housing stock only to refurbished or make new housing with increased rental prices.

The process continues from low income subsidized housing to an already decimated middle class, which is the gateway to homeownership.

As I speak the rally continues with PNN, KPIX, other media outlets are there showing the seriousness of next months vote in June.

Going through my own mini housing crisis only makes the problem profoundly worse.

If I lose housing there are organizations I’m tapped into to help me but if prop. 98 passes…

Many no knowing or having any support systems will be thrown into house-less hell.

This the C H A O S of which I speak,All San Franciscan’s plus the whole state will have no thrown into a dark,bleak,abyss if 98 is passed!

We can prevent this by VOTING NO ON 98
let’s have our own People’s Law stating
to never have this any other legally crookedly written proposition,bill,or law set against any of us because of a lack of funds.

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