Early Trick On Voters

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Rarely I write Political guff.

A friend says "Person is Political.

Probably true,it will not make me any
less apolitical.

by Joseph Bolden

Early Trick On Voters

It is I,the apolitical guy formally of Poor Magazine/PNN and a certain radio show in Berkeley.

Po' Poet plus sometime spoken word artist and have been known to try stand-up comedy too.

I've talked to my mother,friends,and worry about a few besides the housing I may lose partly do to me and the way stuff are stack where organizations don't speak to each other but has the slub in the middle as go between.

June 3rd Tuesday,yeah, the Consolidated,Statewide Direct Primary Election City and County of San Francisco.

Poles will be open from 7am. To 8pm.

Its really underhanded sneaky the way the powers that are have set this crud up.

Its so most of us voters won't be thinking about voting only of partying, boys/girls,men/women, men/men or women/women the whole of San Francisco in good time mode no thoughts of anything ominous looming until November.

Wrong fellow citizens of this so called republic of democracy.

I don't know where to begin so here goes.

1.3 New Power Plants or Not
Up to you folks.

2.Prop. E On Pet Projects is it Yay or Nay

on the Board of Supervisors rasing rates.

Check www.Don'tRaiseOurRates.com.

3.Next S.F. Judge. Is it Thomas Mellon, Jr.

or Mr. Geraldo Sandoval.

S.F. Voters do your stuff.

4.Prop. A. For S.F. Schools.

Seismic Safety,

Disability Access,
Updated Computer Labs,
New School Bathrooms.

Again all on us to vote yes or no.

5. Prop.G/Prop.F About clean up of The Hunter's Point Shipyard.

All I know is its been 20 years and the place is still a mess,all kinds of
carcinogens and other types deadly critters.

It is a chemical cancer death trap!

6. Last is what I call; a sly,underhanded,though legal? slick,sneaky trick.

Having a primary this early with another in November.

This by Developers, Speculators,Multi Corp business types plus both suspecting and unsuspecting homeowners.

Going through private housing issues as I write this its difficult not to gag.

Prop 98 which uses Eminent Domain (though is says limits on Government Authority)

Have You Folks Seen Limits On Our Freedoms being broadened and not taken away?

Homeland Insecurty tapped phones,even tried to get librarians see what were reading!

Is that still happening?

Looks to me that 98 will cause mass houseless-ness for everyone with or without homes and if homeowner believe their safe.

Wait til' your Government wants your land,house(s) moved for high end profit making.

Its no longer stealing land now its

Eminent Domain.

Inflated or Balloon payments tent to cause your home to fall into foreclosure proceedings.

While Prop. 99 Sets Limits on Government Acquisition of Owner-Occupied Residence.

All the above is an Initiative Constitutional Amendment

That's it for me,soon as I'm finished writing this column I'll be mailing my vote today or Monday.

After reading up on it a bit.

So read,think,before you vote on June 3,2008.

Remember why they rushed the primary so early

(Not wanting lots of us to vote and end up losing shelters,transitional housing,or homes some of us own.)

The Republic of Democracy has gone crazy and its up to all of us to do a reboot-rid ourselves multi corp 21st century Robber Barons or living spaces everywhere are up for grabs when ever they want.

Write Poor Magazine.org or jsph_bldn@yahoo.com for any comments.

Besides the errors in the writing that's minor compared what's about to down on Tues. June 3, 2008!
