Finally, A Bike!

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Somethings are worth the wait.

Somethings can never be.

Both experiences were worth going through.

May the rest of our lives be less complex.

by Joseph Bolden

Finally, A Bike!

There are times when what you want isn’t what you need or get so you deal with it,reacess, and move on.

Most folks learn this lesson early,a few learn it late,and then there are those for whom this lesson doesn’t come up at all.

I may have learned my lesson late but finally it is learned.

I missed the platonic girls-as-friend dynamic, had male bonding,block buddy
though no gang initiation process,saw the flash-cash-car-girl of the inner city but after I began playing craps it seemed
mama,me,and my kid brother,moved far from New York,City landing in Oakland/Berkeleley, California.

Won’t bore folks on houseless/jobless G.A. [General Assistance/Work fare blues].

A young woman struggles to save herself an others who’ve survived abuse by the hands of current,ex bf’s,husbands,or strangers.

My mental state is wary of females not feeling worthy of their attention.

Working for/with two, surrounded by many,a current lover across the bay,and one chose to be a constant friend in my life.

She's the main reason humor,sanity,shown me the emotional joy and pain love brings.

The expression of "Holding a torch"is no longer meaningless words.

"Let Go,Let God." Someone once told me,I have,hearts heal,it remembers,gains strenghth and
toughens is armored against suffering again or stays wounded unable to heal from past hurts.

Recently,had some financial set backs which prevented me from buying a bike.

I remember riding one in New York even to the point of out racing some other kids bent on taking my bike from me.

If they were bigger than me I’ve forgotten but quickly I leared how to hide and out race them through Marion Avenue,the park and all over Fordham Road.

It was tense,scary,and exsileration at the same time knowing if I could be hit by a car,truck,bus,or cut off from escaping if those who are chasing me trapped and found me!

Fortunately is was maybe 9 or 10am,warm summer and I had light shirt on and was able to pump my peddles for all with its worth and made it home safe.

I never saw those kids again but always kept a wary eye out from then on. Not riding a bike in over a decade also can make one rusty and scared to try it out again.

But its time and just wnen I though I’d never ride a bike again someone gave me another chance for less than $50 bucks!

Washing my clothes, ready to buy cheese for a rice and chicken meal.

Maybe, I wasn’t meant to by the artery clogging cheese!

In City College the swimming and body building classes had to let go because of reccent job loss
and housing problem now I have a bike and may not have a place to store it.

Having the bike proves its time to ride,just as I had let go of a torch to keep a sacred friendship I was given a second chance at Bicycling.

There never was a first chance for me of the first but life continues and one moves on.

What’s needed is a helmet with rear mirror, lights,clips for pants, bike gloves,chain & locks, kickstand,also water, air pump,and finally to join a little biking exercise called "Critical Mass"

I maybe way behind of the pack but will be riding again and moving
on is what counts.
Any comments,especially frugal bike clubs,associations that I can join or would have me please email me at or
