My Prayer,live to Seniorhood!
Stop Killing Field AmeriKKKa!
by Joseph Bolden
Lady or old man death swings the scythe and were gone. We know how fragile our lives are,we dwell not as often as we use to given our so-called It’s one thing to die from fatal disease brought on by rodents,birds, tainted cow’s flesh,or plague unknown and or airborne but dying at random is all the more tragic for its out-of-no where-ness. Recently as last early last night or early dawn, time isn’t pin pointed as yet. Mr. Jason,a desk clerk in the San Cristina While visiting his Grandmother in Hayes Valley was shot in the head and killed! For what and why besides unknown we tenants in our one-room dwellings. We don’t know all we know for sure is that Jason’s sudden death is a shock! Living in the tenderloin is hazardous like all areas where danger is common its citizen’s do what they can to blend in and not be seen as targets of opportunity from certain prowlers awaiting their victims. Some of us act 51/50, [crazed or nutty] carry hidden or on our person weapons varying in size,shape,blunt or sharp, move about believing it more difficult to hit moving targets. There are many modes of self-preservation. My own varies from concealing a weapon to moving about the city,which was first learned in Los Angeles when the box or freight car killings occurred in the skid row areas of West L.A. Though I wasn’t a complete loner there was a few buddies we’d walk with we wouldn’t acknowledge our fears but we knew it is safer to be seen as a group than alone. This is my main reason when good friends drop by especially women buddies. I make sure they're safe from harm when in the bathroom or walking them to a nearby bart or bus station. Jason,a personable, regular guy,worked,earns his money and is killed in Hayes Valley away from the Tenderloin. I'm told about this early today Monday, April. 28,2008,Jason may was killed Sunday at about 9pm. It’s still a world where my life is a tightrope, I must balance for safety. I still wonder at the trust of women whom feel safe along side me or any males for that matter. Why was Mr. Jason,from what I observed,a decent, young black man working as a desk clerk murdered whether by accident or design for what? It tells me black folk are still not accorded equality in this killing field Amerikkka. As Jewish,Arabs, African’s,and Cuban’s other nationalities can express their views about their land and his/her stories I can speak of this land also in equally negative tones. Oddly funny that especially when Black American's speak on the dark side of America... The truth hurts better it hurt now than let if fester and turn to puss filled cesspool. Maybe Presidential Candidate Obama’s Preacher says what he says in his church,on his pulpit is true because as young child,adolescent,and adulthood he Could the problem be that race still the problem in 21st century because it hasn’t yet been resolved in the 20th ? I’m wondering if the protest against a pastor or preacher’s words is fear of the ever widening chasm of race,class,and economically driven disparity. Those questions are too heady for me to dwell on. All I know–is a young black man,working a low wage job,in one Not from a plague infested animals, insects, cancer,high blood pressure, diabetes,or unknown hidden medical condition of arterial heart valve problem. He was a healthy black male shot to death in San Francisco and for what reason? Brother men/Women rainbow folks. THIS IS STILL A KILLING FIELD,I DON’T BELIEVE ITS ALL THAT RANDOM! And what of those healthy young collage men last seen slightly intoxicated and last seen drowned! Their parent(s),friends, and loved ones too want to know... WHY? IF ANYONE HAS INFORMATION PLEASE SEND TO |