A PNN reportera shares her own story of police brutality.
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by Teresa Molina/Prensa Pobre For English scroll down Yo recuerdo que una vez yo estaba tomando aire fresco en mi ventana cuando de repente oigo un grito de dolor y me asome para a ver que pasaba y descubrí un muchacho desesperado gritando “¡DÉJENME POR FAVOR! Sus dientes rugían como si estuviera terminando su vida y yo sentí un enorme coraje. Sentía que mi sangre hervía como agua para chocolate caliente. También sentía impotente y frustrada al no poder hacer nada; lo único que pude hacer fue gritarles que no lo golpearan, que él estaba esposado y no tenían que pisarle su cabeza. Él no podía moverse ni defenderse. Pausaron de pisarle la cabeza y golpearlo y yo pretendí como estaba apuntando el numero de placas de su patrulla y lo soltaron y dejaron ir a su casa. A mí no me gustaría que los golpearan a mis higos como a golpearon ese muchacho. Nadie los defiende ni reclamen sus mal tratos despues. Yo siempre estoy lista cuando veo que unos policías quieren arrestar a alguien; me fijo que no pase lo mismo porque el abuso policiaco sigue pasando y si uno no esta listo siguen abusando de nuestra gente y de nuestros hijos. Despues ellos niegan el desastre que hacen en la comunidad. Mas que nada, la gente pobre, gente de color son la mas oprimida, mas maltratada, y mas despreciada. Desgraciadamente la gente pobre trabajadora somos los mas indeseable y somos los que mas contribuimos a la enriquezca de este país; y nosotros cada día mas pobres, mas maltratados. Es por eso que debemos estar listos y denunciar esos abusos y no dejarlos pasar. Yo pienso que eso pasa porque nosotros nos dejamos que nos atropellen; abusen de nuestros sentimientos solos por el echo de ser pobre. Es por eso que la gente se aprovecha de nosotros. ¡Ya basta de estar tolerando tanto daño! Pienso que esa clase de abusos siempre pasan pero ya es tiempo de pararlos, que nos vean como lo que somos-seres humanos y no animales como ellos nos quieren hacer. El pobre no es malo y no nos vamos a dejar mas. Estaremos listos para defendernos y parar ese abuso y hacer que se nos respete ahora y para siempre. Esto es el consejo que yo les Siempre nos sentimos humillados y marginados pero somos muy equivocados; somos gente decente. Yo entrevisté a un policía y le puso la pregunta de que él piensa de los policías que maltratan a la gente el me contesto que eso pasaba porque la gente no hace un reporte y denuncia esos abusos; que la gente puede hacer un reporte, agarrar el numero de policía y las placas de las patrullas y también que hay leyes para ellos que los castigan y se detienen un poco y el admitió que aunque el no es un policía abusivo, hay policías que abusan de la gente. Por eso yo hago una llamada a la comunidad que no se queden callados y denuncien esos abusos para que pare el abuso policiaco y tengamos una vida mejor, sin abusos y que sean respetados nuestros derechos y nos vean como lo que somos; seres humanos. Por lo tanto tenemos que ser respetado y no tolerar mas humillación porque lo merecemos y es la razón que yo no estoy de acuerdo que se violen los derechos humanos. Nunca me voy a quedar callada y siempre voy a estar lista cuando yo vea un abuso en la comunidad. Siempre estaré lista para protestar y defender el derecho de mi comunidad porque a mí no me gusta la injusticia ni el abuso ante nadie y es mi coraje no poder encerrar a esos policías corruptos y abusivos. Pero lo que esté a mí alcance yo lo voy hacer para ayudar a mí comunidad y a mi gente, mi sangre, mis hermanos. Mi lucha es por ahora y siempre, por vida y con mi gente de mi comunidad. Hasta la vista Police Brutality By Teresa Molina for Prensa Pobre I remember when I was at my front window taking in some fresh air, when I suddenly heard a painful scream. I leaned out the window to see what happened and I discovered a desperate boy shouting "LEAVE ME ALONE, PLEASE! His screams roared as if he was dying and I felt enormous anger. I felt my blood boil like water for hot chocolate. I also felt helpless and frustrated at not being able to do anything; the only thing that I could do was to shout to them that they did not have to strike him, that he was handcuffed and they did not have to kick him in the head. He could not move nor defend himself. They paused their beating of him and I pretended to write down the plate numbers of the patrol car and they released him and let him go to his house. The injured boy turned around, saw me and thanked me. I felt happy because I identified with that boy as if I was his mother. The same has happened to me. Seven years ago, when my children were younger, the police arrived at my house at midnight looking for my son because he had been in a street fight. They put a pistol to my head and they moved to me to the corridor. My daughter Liliana was hardly fourteen years old, Luis was eight, Marcos was two and Jesus was sixteen. They were scared because they saw them put the pistol to my head and told me to put my hands in my head and began to search my house and they took what they wanted. Even right now my children they remember that with fear and seven years have passed. To date they have not recovered from that trauma; they still are scared of the police. I wouldn’t like it if my children were beaten like they beat that boy. Nobody defends them or later denounces their bad behavior. I am always ready when I see that police want to arrest somebody; I pay attention to make sure that the same thing does not happen. Police abuse continues happening and if one is not ready they continue abusing our people and our children. Later they creating a disaster in our community. More than anything, poor people, people of color are the most oppressed, most mistreated, and most despised. Unfortunately the hard-working poor people are the most undesirable and we are the ones that contribute the most of the enrichments of this country; and us every day, poorer, more mistreated. This is why we must be ready to denounce those abuses and not to let them happen. I think that this happens because we let ourselves be trampled over; They abuse our feelings just simply for being poor. That is why people take advantage of us. Enough with tolerating this much harm! I think that this type of abuse always happens but it is time to stop them and make them treat us as human beings, and not animals. The poor man is not bad and we are not going to put up with it any more. We will be ready to defend ourselves and to stop that abuse and to make them respect us now and always. This is the advice that I can give them based on my experience. We always feel humiliated and marginalized but very we are mistaken; we are decent people. I interviewed a police officer and asked him what he thinks of the police that mistreat people. He answered that it that happens because people do not make a report and denounce these abuses; that people can make a report, write down the number of police and the patrol car plates and that there are laws for them that punish the police. He admitted that although he is not an abusive police officer, there are police that do abuse people. It is for that reason I make a call to the community that it does not remain silent and that it denounce these abuses so they do not continue to happen. We need to make sure that our rights are respected and that we are seen as human beings. Therefore we must be respected and not tolerate more humiliation. I am never going to be silent and I am always going to be ready when I see I abuse in the community. I will always be ready to protest and to defend the right of my community because to me I do not like the injustice or the abuse before anybody. I am angry that we are not to be able to lock up those corrupt and abusive police. But I will do whatever is within my reach to help my community and my people, my blood, my brothers. My fight is for now and always, for life and with my people of my community. Hasta La Vista! |