Editor’s Note: Ingrid De Leon is one of the original reporteras for Voces De Inmigrantes En Resistencia, a revolutionary project of POOR Magazine that teaches journalism to monolingual, low-income day laborers. Throughout her life Ingrid has struggled with poverty and racism, but has always remained extremely dedicated to her writing, family and community here in San Francisco and beyond. As a family, we support all of our journalists, authors and poets and hope that our subscribers will listen to Ingrid’s plea for help and support her as they are able. Anything helps. You may contribute by clicking on the donation button online or by mailing a check to POOR Magazine 1095 Market St. #307 San Francisco, Ca 94103. Please make checks payable to POOR Magazine and indicate that the donation is for Ingrid.
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by Ingrid De Leon/PNN For Spanish scroll down. I am a poor woman and mother of four children. God gave them to me healthy, but due to domestic violence my children and I were physically mistreated by my ex husband. I thought about separating from him, but it was too late because he had already twisted my daughter's foot, but what he did to my son hurts so much more. And, I'm angry for not having prevented it. I cry and ask, "why not me." My son Walter he is barely eight years old and his heart is broken, sometimes it works well but other times it’s working too fast or too slow. It's painful to even think about the day when it stops working because, well, I would die without him. My children are my life. The medic that is attending him in San Marcos said that it would be best that my mother take him to the capital within a month, but I need $1,000.00 for the trip to the capital, the medic, and some exams and the medicine. I do not have that money. I am only a seamstress and it is very difficult for me to live in the city. This is why I need your help. The life of my son depends on you. I don't know how I would live without him. Because of my poverty, I cannot leave here to support my family in Guatemala, and they depend on my mother to take care of them. A desperate mother needs and appreciates your help. It is very difficult but by sharing my story, I hope to tell all women who suffer domestic abuse. Don’t stay quiet. Fight for your children. Look for help. Before they harm your children like my son was hurt. I hope that my words in some way are helpful. May God bless you and give you abundance. With my heart in hand I am a migrant reporter for POOR Magazine (Prensa Pobre) Thanks, many thanks. Un Corazon Necessita Ayauda Para Vivir Soy una mujer pobe y madre de cuatro ninos dios melos dio sanos pero por violensia domestica mis hijos y yo eramos maltratados con golpes por mi ex esposo. Pense separarme de el pero demasiado tarde porque a mi hija le torsio el pie pero a mi hijo lo que le iso me duele mucho y a la ves me da coraje de no aberlo evtado y lloro idigo por que no a mi. Mi hijo Walter tiene apenas ocho anos y tiene roto su corason. A veces trabaja bien pero a veces demasiado rapido ho lento y no quiero ni pensar que un dilla deje de trabajar . Me moriria sin el pues mis hijos son mi vida. El medico que lo esta atendiendo en San Marcos dijo que es mejor que mi mama lo lleve a la capital dentro de un mes pero nesesito $1000.00 para el viaje a la capital, el medico y algunos examenes y la medicina. Y yo no tengo ese dinero porque no gano bastante dinero porque soy simple custuera y es muy dificil para mi vivir en la ciudad. Es por eso que necessito su ayuada. La vida de mi hijo depende de usteds. Porque mi es muy dificil no podar estar con el. Por la pobreza no pudeo irme de aqui para mantener a los otros. Ellos depende de me y de mi mama poque ella los cuida. Es muy dificil pero por medio de esta historia quiero decirles a todas las mujeres que sufren abuso domestico. No se queden calladas. Lunchan por sus hijos. Buscan ayuda. Antes de que les danen a sus hijos como danen a mi hijo. Espero de algo les sirvan mis palabras espero su alluda Dios los bendiga y les de en abundancia se los agradese una madre desesperada. Con el corazon en la mano soy una migrante reportera de prensa pobre gracias muchas gracias. |