9/11-Revisited 6 yrs. And Counting.

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It has come and gone.

How long is this insanity going
to last taking lives?

Remove Troops,return home help
rebuild an ancient civilzation.

Let's leave this new dark age behind.

by Joseph Bolden

9/11/Revisited Six Years And Counting

There’s nothing to add to this discussion except don’t let this President leave office without bringing all the troops home.

He’s a lame duck prez after all.

The lies,manipulations were set up to get up into this quagmire.

What’s with this administration,ok their international monetary types but Jesus H,Mother of God is this their bottom line,seize oil from an ancient country of wisdom, reducing a modern people’s to stone age because they fear the new paradigm shift of renewable energy, longer,healthier lives.

Prop up a dead,dying technology artificially squeezing as much dough delaying our countries advancement in applied sciences.

These people seem to me vultures living off the vestiges of dead technology.

I’m worried about martial law The Presidents emergency powers so the constitution can actually be suspended and he doesn’t step down to become an ex president!

I’ve haven’t traveled much but I sure want to see more of Europe than America these days,wonder what Japan,China,North and South Korea,and Taiwan are doing with Nano technology and tissue regeneration science, or human cloning?

This born again, cocaine addicted,self titled Decider has got to go.

Let’s not have other close or removed relatives take his place.

Maybe Amerikkka will become America again survive these dark gray times.

Be it Rabid Evangelicals,Religious Right,or Moral Majority we as a country cannot have these so called souls of righteousness dictate, proscribe,what our lives are to be especially in the privacy of the bedroom!

I do love this country but I am human enough to leave if for a while until America returns to its basic fundamental foundations and I don’t mean one nation under God but a nation of laws, checks,and balances.

Right now we are out of balance and I pray this illegal,fraudulent war created with lies doesn’t last a decade.

Bush Jr. should leave office,take "Decider War" with him to ignominious fame.
