Resisting Homeland Security
Resisting Homeland Security
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by SAD BOY “Another brown motherfucker that I gotta’ get rid of,” is the first thing I heard from the judge as soon as I walked in the courtroom. As soon as I heard this I knew that it wasn’t going to be easy. I knew then that I had to deal with racism and somehow put myself together in the short time to deal with this situation and present my case. My brain was storming with all these emotions from blatant racism in the court. I told my lawyer to ask the judge if we could have a five minute recess so I could pull myself together and judge’s answer was no. When my lawyer asked why, the judge’s answer was “I have a lot of criminals like himself to get rid of and they are the reason why this nation is the way it is.” It took me 11-12 years of emotional abuse from the court systems to actually get my point across. Even though I’m in the country I know I will always be treated as if I was a ghost. As a person of color I have to be strong because they opened my eyes to the reality that all people of color deal with on a daily basis with the judicial system. It took me back to what my mother and father had to go through across the border for two and a half months for my sisters and I to have a better future. I knew after that trial that my life had changed. One of the changes I had to make was to take advantage of this new opportunity that God had gave me. Instead of getting angry at the judge or the system, one of the ways I would change was to go to school get educated. I can’t imagine the struggles of my ancestors who came before me had to go through. The majority of them speak only spanish and in some cases only speak in dialects which makes them easy targets for abuse. This has been going on since the 1930’s, where the government would send any person who looked mexican or latino to the farthest parts of mexico making sure that they could not find a way to come back. Blaming the migrant workers or braceros, for their own dirty business practices was common in these days. Despite the fact that two million peasants lost their lives in the Mexican Revolution of 1910, the government failed to provide them the resources needed to improve their lives. By the late thirties, when the crop fields began yielding insufficient harvest and employment became scarce, the peasant was forced to look for other means of survival. The Bracero Program was created in which more than 4 million Mexican farm laborers came to work the fields of this nation. Even though things have changed we can still see how migrant people are targeted. For example, back in the 90s they tried to pass proposition 187 to take away migrants people’s human rights. Even though I was a little kid back then I still remember how difficult it was for my people to take their children to the hospital. Because I’ve had this experience I believe that if we fight we can get what is entitled to us. I have also learned that we can empower ourselves and take what is negative and turn it positive. We should all be equal and people should not be marginalized because of the color of our skin. |