Es pura basura/Its Pure rubbish!

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Propocision 8- Es para negarles derechos a la comunidad LGBT
Proposition 8 – Is to deny rights to the LGBT community.

Propocision 8- Es para negarles derechos a la comunidad LGBT
Proposition 8 – Is to deny rights to the LGBT community.


by Teresa Molina/PNN Voce de inmigrantes en resistencia

Scroll Down For English

Estos gobiernos siempre an tratado de decirnos como tenemos que vivir, que debemos hacer, y como lo tenemos gue hacer. Dividiendonos, por ejemplo, los latinos, los negros, y los pobres, todos tenemos el vescindario a donde se nos a dicho que debemos vivir; designandonos escuelas, designando clinicas, observando nuestras vidas, todo esto por que les da miedo de que nos salgamos de nuestro lugar. Leyes que los protegen a ellos, y nos criminalizan a nosotros, siempre van a estar en poder, todos sabemos eso. Sin embargo estas son las leyes a donde no le hace bien a nadie, y les quitan derechos a un grupo de personas innocentes…

Propocision 8- Es para negarles derechos a la comunidad LGBT. Parejas deven de tomar el poder de la decision de lo que deven hacer y como deven vivir y el derecho a ser libre; de casarse hombres con hombres y mujer con mujer si ellos quieren. Yo creo que la gente tiene derecho de casarse con quien sea feliz sin que le niegen sus derechos, a tener los mismos beneficios, como todo ser humano sin importar como aman.

La mayoria de la gente esta muy disgustada y con justa razon; ya estamos cansados de que nos traten como si fueramos ninos, yo pienso que todos tenemos uso de rason y podemos pensar por nosotros mismos. Siempre estan tratando de decirnos que es bueno para nosotros y que identidad debemos tener. Yo creo que todos devemos vivir como queramos y identificarnos como nosotros queramos, cada quien puede tomar sus propias decisiones y vivir como mejor le convenga. Si las parejas del mismo sexo son felices, pues, que vivan juntos y se casen y formen una familia. No nesesariamente tiene que ser hombre y mujer para ser feliz que tengan los mismos derechos como culguier pareja. Yo pienso que todos somos iguales y todos tenemos derechos naturales de compartir nuestras vidas con quien queramos sin importar que sexo eres y como te identificas. Las vidas privadas de las personas no se tiene que mesclar con la politica, son cosas muy diferentes. Se debe de respetar al ser humano, sea como sea. Yo puedo ver como la gente esta muy enojada, se puede ver sus caras tristes indignadas por tanto abuso y despresio contra ellos, como si fuera ese su negosio, de estar calificando las personas. Yo admiro mucho a estas personas porque hasta la fecha la lucha sigue, y no deven cansarse de luchar; hasta lograr su proposito y puedan sentirse vien como seres humanos y no como algo extrano. Son personas buenas con buenos sentimientos, nadamas que son discriminados por la sociedad y aveses por sus propias familias. Esa gente es omofovicas hacia las personas del mismo sexo, ya basta de tanta discriminacion y desprecio hacia los homoxexuales y lesvianas, tienen que ser reconocidos y aseptados por esta sociedad descriminadora.

Tuve la oportunidad de entrevistar a Jill Seynker, y le pregunte Que piensas de la propocicion 8? “Es pura basura. Yo creo que nada tiene que ver las propuestas con vidas privadas. No nos pueden negar derechos que nos coresponden.” Despues, le pregunte, Que cres que es la solucion y porque cres que lo hacen? Ella me contesto, “Es por discriminacion a personas lesbianas y gay. Yo pienso que tiene que ver con la homofobia que sienten asia nosotros y eso no es justo”

Justicia- Obrar en razón o tratar a alguien según su mérito, sin atender a otro motivo, especialmente cuando hay competencia y disputa. Cada dia uno trabaja y trata de sobrevivir en este mundo injusto. Sin embargo, estos problemas, como los mensiona el govierno y los fanaticos de meterse en la vida de nosotros, nos inclina a creer que una persona que ama el mismo sexo no es capas de governar, ser maestro o de simplemente tener su propia familia. Una mente que no puede haceptar cambio y las ideas que nos transforman en una sociedad sin fronteras, es una mente que nos quiere bajo sus piez y no quiere que nadie que no piense como ellos tenga derechos iguales a ellos. Yo creo que lo mejor es luchar y no uir, porque encuanto te dejes aguitar, pierde la gente que busca justicia y libertad.

Engles Sigue

This government always tries to tell us how we have to live, what we need to do, and who we need to make war with. For example, dividing Latinos, blacks and poor folks into our separate ghettos. We all have a section of the slums where we are told that we need to live; they designate schools for us, designate clinics, watching our entire lives, constantly surveilling us; all this because they are fearful that we get out of line. Laws protect them, and criminalize us, will always be in power, we all know that. But there are laws that don’t benefit anyone, and they take away rights to a group of innocent people...

Proposition 8 – Is to deny rights to the LGBT community. Any couple should have the right to make their own decisions that don’t affect anyone else but themselves; they should be free to marry men with men and women with women if they like. I think that people should have the right to wed with whom they are happy with. The state should not deny their rights to have the same benefits as all human beings regardless of the way they love.

Most people are very upset and rightfully so. We are tired of being treated as if we were kids. I think we all have logic and reason and we can think for ourselves. The state is always trying to tell us what is good for us and how we should identify. I believe we all should have the right to live as we like and identify ourselves as we want, everyone should make their own decisions and live as you see fit. If same-sex couples know that they would be happier because they could legally live together and marry and form a family, than why not grant them that. A man and woman don’t necessarily live happily ever after when they get married, why not give the LGBT community a chance? Is the state afraid that they’d do it better? I think that we are all equal and we all have natural rights to live our lives with whom we want no matter what sex you are and how you identify. The private lives of people do not have to blend with politics, things are very different. It should be to respect the human being, come what may. I can see why people are very angry, their faces saddened and outraged by the inequality against them. I greatly admire the LGBT community because so far the struggle continues. They are strong and they will not get tired of fighting to achieve their purpose until they can openly feel as equal human beings and not as something strange. They are good people with good feelings, who are discriminated against by society and sometimes, their own families. Discrimination against the LGBT community should be widely knowned and called what it really is, state-sponsored inequality based off of fear and hate.

I had the opportunity to interview Jill Shenker, and I asked her what she thought of Prop 8? "It's pure rubbish. I think the state should have nothing to do with the private lives of anybody. It is unfair to deny us equal rights." Then, I asked, What is the solution and why do you think that they are doing this ? She replied, "It is discrimination towards LGBT. I think that has to do with homophobia and the fear they feel from us and that is not fair "

Justice- To treat someone according to their merit, without regard to another matter, especially when there is competition and dispute. Every day we work and try to survive in this unfair world. However, these strategies, such as the government getting involved in our personal lives, are designed to influence the public to believe that a person can not love the same sex, or marry the same sex, or even be capable of governing their own lives. A mind that can not accept change and the ideas that transform us into a society without borders, is a mind that wants us to always remain under them and does not want anyone who doesn’t think like them to be equal to them. I think it is best to for us to fight and not conform because they can never silence our voice shouting for justice and freedom.
