Criminalizing Poor People means criminalizing all people

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by Angela Pena/Voces de Inmigrantes en Resistencia/Prensa POBRE

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Nota del editor: La criminalización de las comunidades en la pobreza y la comunidad de migrantes de Raza son perpetuadas por un sistema común de opresión que culpa a esos en la clase mas baja de sociedad y levanta una regla de mafia fascista para apoyar la criminalizacion de las comunidades pobres de color . Angela Peña reporta sobre la manera en que considera que la correlación como mujere migrante de Raza.

Soy una mujer inmigrante, reportera de prensa pobre que sufre todos las dificultades de estar indocumentada en este pais. Me siento atrapada en un medio de vida en el cual no hay consideraciones para mi de ninguna forma. Nos tratan como que no fueramos seres humanos. En vez de reconocer lo bueno que hacemos en este pais, solo se enfocan en su odio contra nosotros. Los comentarios de algunas personas que realmente no conocen nada de nosotros es deprimente. Ha estas personas yo les hago una pregunta, “Podrian tener la fuerza de sobrevivir y luchar como lo hacemos nosotros?” Se que serian muy debiles y no lograrian ni la mitad de lo que nosotros hacemos, por que hablar no cuesta, pongance en nuestro lugar para saber de lo que estan hablando. Algo que indigna es darse cuenta que no solo a los inmigrantes se les trata con descriminacion, si no que a la gente pobre de este pais tambien. La descriminan solo por ser seres humanos pobres sin casa. Esto es la Criminalizacion de la pobreza.

La pobreza es como la oscuridad que no deja que las personas vean las causas de la cituacion en que viven.

Con el analisis de presupuesto que estan haciendo los supervisores de la ciudad de San Francisco estan atacando a las personas viviendo con bajos ingresos o sin trabajos, solo por el simple hecho de ser pobres. Quieren tomar un acuerdo de cerrar centros de Salud , viviendas, programas de ayuda economica para personas sin recursos.

El cierre de ambulatorios de salud mental, que es un programa de tratamiento psiquiatrico, que proporciona tratamiento y apoyo intensivo incluyendo medicamentos para personas discapacitadas. Este recorte les va a negar a esas personas discapacitadas la oportunidad de vivir una vida balanciada y saludable.

El departamento de salud publica piensa recortar $2,000.000 dolares sin importarle las consecuencias de su falta de ayuda. En cuanto al departamento de salud publica en el cierre de ayuda a la salud y la higiene en los refugios. Este es un cambio destructivo por que personas vivendo en estos refugios, al no tener los elementos de limpieza veremos mas suciedad y enfermedad en las calles. Asi afecta a los pobres y tambien todas las personas inmigrantes no tenemos ningun servicio. Parece que la ciudad de San Francisco cree que por ser pobre o por ser inmigrante es razon suficiente de no merecer ninguna ayuda. Estamos destinados a morir sin nunguna oportunidad de sobrevivir.

En la salud, piensan cerrar centros de ayuda para las personas enfermas sin casas que al no tener dinero para acudir con un doctor, enfermaran mas o podrian morir por falta de atencion. Esto es prueba que el gobierno de la ciudad de San Francisco es desponible a dejar morir a la gente solo por no tener con que pagar. Por ejemplo, el caso de la senora que espero atencion medica en el hospital pero no le dieron importancia solo por ser una persona pobre sin recursos para pagar . La dejaron morir. Lo pasaron en las noticias pero la gente lo miro como un caso aislado que no les importa.

Editors Note: The criminalization of the communities in poverty and the migrant Raza community are perpetuated by a common oppressive system of scapegoating those at the bottom of the social class system by rowling up a fascist mob rule to back up this demonizing of poor communities of color. Angela Pena reports on how she views the correlation as a migrant Raza women.

I am a migrant mother, POOR Magazine reporter who suffers from all the difficulties imposed on people who work undocumented in this country. I feel trapped in a living environment in which there are no considerations for me in any way. They treat us like we as not human beings. Instead of recognizing the good we do for this country, they only focus on the hate they have against us. The comments of some people who really do not know anything about us are detremental. To these people I ask a question "Could they have the strength to survive and fight as we do?" I know they would be very weak and not achieved half of what we do. Talk is cheap, they should put themselves in our shoes to know what they're talking about. It is sad to realize that not only immigrants are discriminated in this country, but all very poor people are discriminated against . They are discriminated for the sole act of being poor and not having a roof over their heads. This is the Criminalization of Poverty.

Poverty is like the darkness that doesn't let people see the cause of the situation they live in.

Recently there have been massive closures of outpatient mental health centers in cities like San Francisco, due to budget cuts. These psychiatric treatment programs provide intensive support and treatment including medication for people living with disabilities. This cutback will seriously harm folks living with mental disabilities and take away the opportunity for these folks to live a somewhat balanced and healthy life.

As for the health department, this budget proposes cutting off money for health and hygiene in shelters. This is a change for the worse, destroying these people by not having the necessities to survive. This affects the poor as well as all immigrants. Not having services that help those who are the most needy because of their economic or immigration status is something that seems to be justified by the propaganda that makes homeless people out to be street rats, and blames immigrants for the economic crisis. With no one recognizing us as human beings, making us out to be subhuman, we are destined to die without the opportunity to live with dignity. With this budget analysis that supervisors have passed, people without work or income are being attacked, just for being poor.

The health department wants to cut $2000,000 dollars regardless of the consequences of their lack of aid. In the Housing department, they want to remove the aid payment to households with children and that when they lost where they live, as these children were living on the street, and I'm not even talking about immigrants, these are U.S. citizens most of whom are veterans. Department of Public Health will take a cut $70,000 in singing to health and hygiene in shelters that actually refers to products such as blankets, soap for the bathroom tooth paste for all shelters were without these basic components to survive.

Because of these cuts all the people who live in this city feel the change because we will see entire families in extreme poverty, but in reality those who worry us most are the kids that we will see in poverty and desperation. This will also result in more people asking for money in many places.
