Original Post Date
2011-12-01 04:31 PM
Original Body
emDecember 1, 2011/em/p
img alt="" src="http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/293623_10150342303340616_583145615_9937082_5389672_n.jpg" style="width: 431px; height: 720px;" //p
We seen it coming, and still he diedbr /
it took span data-scayt_word="hella" data-scaytid="29"hella/span long, until I cried.br /
he did not change his way, he hadnrsquo;t tried;br /
he sped the process up, until he lied.br /
he didn#39;t slow it down, didn#39;t stop being southern raisedbr /
he still cooked cropsbr /
he kept a bottle home, and a lighter.br /
he used to get some fronts, and cigarettes.br /
I know he loved us though, we made him proud.br /
he only hit me twice, never screamed out loud.br /
we always had some food, he paid the billsbr /
until I had to loan, how proud I span data-scayt_word="feeled" data-scaytid="30"feeled/span.br /
wonder how sister feels watching him die.br /
he kept the dope smoke up;br /
he didn#39;t even try.br /
I know she felt the pain, I felt it too.br /
she was in the third grade, me in high school.br /
he rested down the hill, in anti#39;s bedbr /
just right at Christmas, on the twenty tread./p
emThis is an Empathy span data-scayt_word="Exercize" data-scaytid="31"Exercize/span for span data-scayt_word="PeopleSkool's" data-scaytid="32"PeopleSkool#39;s/span class, Poverty Journalism 101/em/p