5th Battalion, UK Hustle & Krip-Hop Nation Presents Broken Bodies PBP,Police Brutality Profiling Mixtape

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People with disabilities have faced police brutality and profiling but to this point there have been very little cultural work on this critical issue.  Since I was a kid my father had me on protest lines dealing with police brutality and other issues.  In the 90's I got very heavy into this issue, wrote articles, poetry, organized forums and attending hearings with other community activists like Idriss Staneley Foundation, ISArC, Poor Magazine, Cop Watch and others.  I've always wanted to help put out a CD or book on the issue of police brutality against people with disabilities.  I started this process to do some cultural work on this issue with others like Poor Magazine and Mesha with ISArC, but didn't finish it.

Now it is time and Krip-Hop Nation has teamed up with UK Hustle & LA's 5th Battalion to put out a Hip-Hop CD by artists with disabilities rapping and speaking about stories of police brutality/profiling against us as people with disabilities.  Artists will come from all over the US & UK in a diverse pool with their own tracks.  The CD will be compile and produce by Krip-Hop Nation and 5th Battalion and promote by all artists and UK Hustle.

We are looking at late Summer or early Fall to release the CD project with cover by DJ Quad.  We have 12 different artists at this time but things might change or stay the same.  For more information drop us an email kriphopproject@yahoo.com.  Finally this project after almost ten plus years will be done soon.  Thanks to 5th Battalion, UK Huslte, all the artists and ISArC, Cop Watch and Poor Magazine for the support.  To all the families who DISABLED love ones were abuse and killed by police, you kept this dream alive!  MUCH LOVE.
